Chapter 12

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You don't know how hard it was to wait until I got to above 10 reads to post this! And it took strangely longer than usual... Did I start writing bad?


*Violet POV*

After dinner we got our bill. All the boys looked at it and shrugged. They began to take out their wallets. I grabbed it to look at it. But I felt a strong grip on my wrist before I looked at it. I tensed. The grip didn't hurt but it was strong enough to make me alert. My heart started racing. I looked up.

"Women aren't allowed to pay" Zayn said sternly but he had a smile on his face. I relaxed, they're not going to hurt you Violet I reminded myself. Harry would never let anyone hurt me. I hated how I barely knew him and I basically trusted him with my life.

"Well can't I at least see the amount?" I said looking into his beautiful eyes. They were a few shades darker than mine but they had a golden tinge to them.

"Absolutely NOT!" Liam added from the other side of the table.

Zayn caught my attention again as he turned around my hand and pried the receipt from my fingers. I held onto it tighter. "You'll have to get it from me" I said flirtatiously pulling our hands closer to me, as something came over me again, like it had when I was working on Harry earlier that day. Then I felt dirty, like I was cheating on Harry. I wasn't cheating. Me and Harry weren't together, I didn't belong to him. I could flirt and be with whoever I wanted to. But even though I felt like that person wasn't Zayn, whatever came over me wanted to flirt, as weird as that sounded.

Zayn smiled at me, catching on. He leaned in closer and then something went through his face and he leaned back. He still kept a small smile on his face but it wasn't flirty anymore. What happened? He just pried them out of my hands simply. It was almost as if he was....scared. Then Zayn looked over at Harry. I followed his gaze to the curly haired boy across from me. His eyes were set on me. They were dark. And his face had annoyance and anger in them, and almost...jealousy. As soon as he saw that I saw it, he covered it and smiled almost apologetically. Did he think he owned me? Why did he feel so threatened? I felt anger rise inside me. But as soon as Harry's smiled widened, it washed away.

"What?" I said trying to sound annoyed, but it came out with curiosity.

"You look adorable when you have a million thoughts running through your head" he said cheekily. I felt myself turn a deep shade of red. I turned away and we all got up to leave.


We got to the destination of where they were performing their gig. It wasn't a big place, but there were already hundreds of fangirls waiting outside. We went through the back entrance.

"Like the crowd? Welcome to One Direction's world" Harry said as he fell into step next to me.

"It's a lot to take in, but I'll manage. They already made me half-deaf." I said as my ears were still ringing from the screaming.

Harry laughed. It was a soft deep laugh that entranced me. It was almost musical. Okay, now you're jut being crazy Violet, I told myself. I felt Harry's eyes on me but I resisted meeting his eyes.

"This is our station" Lou said energetically as we reached a room with a shower and two makeup/hair stations with mirrors.

"Wow" was all I could say. Lou and the boys laughed.

"What?" I asked confused.

"This is one of the worse ones babe" Liam said. I felt my jaw drop. They erupted in laughter again.

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