Chapter 6

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Is it bad that I was jumping for joy when I saw I had 57 reads? Yeah I know I'm pretty pathetic but I didn't think I'd get that many! Please tell you're friends about my fanfic!


I just got out of my car after the car ride back from Lou's office. The whole ride was filled with thoughts of disbelief that I got the job. This was perfect! Could life get any more perfect?! Well yeah, I could be reunited with Nate and my mom, but that seemed too far out in the distance that I didn't even see it as a possibility. Maybe when I get enough money, I can go visit them. But for now, I got the best job ever! I'm gonna prank Jazz and Jade by making them think I didn't get the job!, I thought to myself.

I stared at the apartment building a little longer, before I proceeded to the door. I asked Jade to buzz me in. Before I knew it I was infront of my door. I was about to turn the door knob but it opened and there standing infront of me was an excited looking Jazz.

"OMG DID YOU GET THE JOB?!?! IS LOU AS PERFECT IN PERSON THAT SHE IS IN PICTURES?!?! DID YOU MEET ONE DIRECTION?!?!" Jazz said shaking me roughly. I put on my best upset face and said "no" before pushing past her.

"Hey Vi! How was the interview?!" Jade called to me from the couch.

"It was horrid" I said to her with a smile and a wink. I decided to let her in on this and just play Jazz. She seemed to catch on. Jasmine was still at the door, shocked and confused.

"Oh Vi I'm so sorry! This is all my fault! I shouldn't have made you try out for that job. Lou doesn't deserve you" Jazz said in practically a whisper. I could see how torn she was. It almost made me break.

"Did she say why?" Jade ask with a smile tugging at her lips, letting me know she understood.

"She said it was because I'm an amateur. I don't have any experience" I said pretending to slouch down on the couch. Jazz came over and sat next to me.

"It's okay we'll find you a new job! A better one! Who needs that job? It was probably stupid anyway! I bet she would have just made you get her tea or something." Jazz said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"No, that wouldn't be the job. It's going to be a GREAT job because I GOT THE JOB!" I said enthusiastically jumping off the couch.


"No you don't, you love me" I said opening my arms for a hug. She reluctantly stepped toward me and hugged me. Jade was rolling in laughter on the couch.

"You were in on this?!?!" Jazz exclaimed and pointed an accusing finger at Jade.

"Yup!" She said before she gave me a hug, "congrats Vi"

"Thanks guys!"

"So did you meet the boys" Jazz said suddenly overly excited. I sat her down and said, "yes I did, they came at the end"

"OH MY GOD!!!! Was Harry adorable?! Did you get their numbers?!"

"No I didn't get their numbers, and yes Harry is quite cute, they all are" I answered her.

"Wooooo there sista! Back off Harry! He's mine!" If I didn't know better, I would have thought Jazz growled the last sentence.

I put my arms up in mock surrender, "he's all yours."

She seemed satisfied and skipped to the kitchen and came back with candy that she was now happily munching on. We started watching the Titanic. My eyes were starting to tear as they fell into the water. Then my phone vibrated indicating I had a text. It was from an unknown number:

'Hey love, it's Harry! I got your number from Lou! Save my number, but you CAN'T give this number to anyone else. I was thinking we should meet up for coffee or something soon. Tell me what you think! Xx'

I looked up to see both Jade and Jazz were staring at me. I casually put my phone down.

"WHO WAS THAT FROM DAMMIT?!?!" Jazz said jumping at me. I easily deflected her.

"You wanna know?" I asked unsure.

"Uhhh yeah, that's why I asked" she said.

"It was from Harry" I said scared to look up at her.

"You said you didn't get their numbers! You bitch! Now you're lying to me?!" She yelled causing my mouth to drop. Wtf? Why is she getting so mad?

"I didn't LIE! He got my number from Lou! So you can calm down" I said feeling anger rise in me at my best friend.

"Oh well what does it say?" She asked her voice softened. I read her the message word for word and then flipped my screen so it was facing her, "you wanna read it and make sure I'm not LYING?!" I said with more attitude than I meant.

She pursed her lips and said, "well you're not allowed to go out with him! I already called dibs and I told you to back off. So no you're not allowed to go out with him" then she crossed her arms around her chest.

I don't know why but I felt the fresh anger boil inside me. Where did she get the nerve to talk to me like that? I looked at Jade who was staring at us wide-eyed. My eyes flicked back to Jasmine. "I wasn't GOING to answer him! But when did you get the right to tell me what I can and can't do? When did you become my MOM?!" I yelled back at her.

"Since you don't HAVE a mom!" She screamed at me, and then her eyes changed with recognition at what she just said. "Vi-"

"NO! SAVE IT! I can't believe you!" I said cutting her off, storming to my room, and slamming the door shut.


Sorry it's not the best chapter, and it's short:/ but please continue to read! And maybe tell your friends to read? :) VOTE AND COMMENT PLEAAASSEEE! I'll get you guys the next chapter soon! T hanks for reading!

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