Chapter 6 (edited)

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I sigh as I open my eyes and try to prop my self up on my elbow but i feel a strong surge of pain shoot threw my body I then see Carl asleep next to me making me smile i look over to see I Rick asleep with his head on the arm the chair with his hair a mess I chuckle slightly but i stop when a strong surge of pain shoots threw my body I hiss slightly I then feel a hand on my stomach I look over and I see Carl's worried brown eyes looking back at me

"dad" Carl says

Ricks eyes pop open and he quickly comes to the bed side

"what happen" Rick ask wworried

"she tried to move or something and I think she wasn't paying attention to her wound " Carl says

I chuckled slightly no matter how much it hurt me this boy sure did know a lot

Rick smiles slightly

"Let me go and get Hershel" Rick says and with that he left but soon came back in with a older man that kinda reminds me of Santa

"Chase I see you are awake" Hershel says

I guess that's his name I nod and hold out my hand

"we have met but I was sorta out of it Chase Dixon" I say

he shacks my hand

"Hershel Greene" he says

I nod and smiled slightly

"well you can put on these clothes and Rick or someone from your group will come back on and help you out so you can walk" Hershel says

I nod

Everyone left but Rick he helped me change my shirt I wasn't scared cause I knew he wasn't a creep, just glade he stayed in front of me but he did turn around when I had to change my pants but when I was done he had his arm around my waist and my and my arm around his shoulder

"ready" Rick ask

I nod and we exited the farm house I got a lot of looks most of pity

"Rick can you ask them to stop staring at me I don't like it" I whisper

Rick nods

I then see Shane looking at me as if I was a tall glass of water in the middke of the desert

"what?" I snap

"nothing" Shane says

He pus his hands up in surrendered and walks away

I fell Ricks grip tighten on my waist making me smile slightly

"where's Carl" I ask

"Let's go and fine him " Rick says

I nod

we walk off but we soon find Carl feeding the chicken

"Chase!!!" Carl yells

He drops the bucket he was holding with chicken feed in it to run over to me and hug me tightly i tryed so hard not to hiss so I chuckle

"hey buddy" I say

I hug him tight I could basically hear the smirk on Ricks face

"are you mad at me" Carl ask

"why would I be mad at my favorite little guy" I ask

"Cause the reason you got shot is cause of me" Carl says

I saw the tears welling up in his brown eyes

"Carl you are not the reason I got shot ok it could of happened to any of us ok it's no ones fault ok Carl it was just a accident and I don't want to hear you ever say that ever again ok" I say

Carl nods

I bring him in to another hug and kiss the top of his head

"I love you chase your my best friend and I don't want to lose you" Carl says

I smile and wipe the tear that feel

"I love you to Carl " I say softly

Carl smiles and takes my hand Rick still has his arm around my waist and my arm around his neck as he led me back in side

"Where's Daryl" I ask

Rick didn't awnser

"Chase you have to not flip out ok" Rick says

now I was worried

"what happen to my brother" I ask

"he was hurt and shot" Rick said

"shot by who" I ask

clenching my fist

"by Andrea" Rick says softly

I take my arm from Ricks neck and I look at Carl and cup his cheeks

"Carl I want you to go and see Carol ok" I say

Carl nods and rans off I look at Rick and walk well more limp to fine Andrea

"Andrea!!!!!!!!" I yell

T-dog,Glen look at me as I come there way I then see Andrea fear crosses her face I punch her square in the jaw she let out a groan as she hit the ground

"you shot my brother and you thought I wouldn't fine out" I say

Andrea looks up at me

"I thought he was a walker" Andrea says

"so it was one fucking walker the guys would of handled it with out guns and I'm sure they said that they had it but no you being the stupid bitch you are you didn't fucking listen !!!" I yell

by now I had people circling around i feel a strong pair of arms around me picking me up I kick Andrea in the face she let out another groan has she hit the ground

"Chase you have to stop your in no condition to fight" Rick whispers

in my ear his voice making me stop fighting him

"I sware if he ain't fine I am coming right back at you and you better pray to god I'm still hurt but nothing is going to stop me from kicking your ass" I hiss

Rick leads me back to the house I then see Carl running are way

"hey buddy" I say

he came to a stop in front of me

"hey Chase can you sing for me please" Carl ask

I smile softly and nod

"I will tonight ok" I say

Carl smiles and nods he takes my hand and we set off for the house again.

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