Part 3

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That night, after dinner we were all in my room and I explained them about that guy and what happened in school and at the mall. All of them sit in my bed and listen.

" do you think we ever met him before or anything? like is he from the same school with us last few years?" I asked them after explaining everything and all of them start remembering stuff and theres a silent moment where everyone is trying to remember all the kids from our previous school.

Suddenly Kelly says "Hmm I don't think hes from out previous school" 

"Wait what is his last name? because theres a few Alex in our previous school" Bri replied 

"Yes! lets check his social media! we can get a lot of info from people's social media these days"says Sophie

"Yeah like how you found out about Roger, your ex-crush, being a nanny for your niece and nephew" Kelly replied

"and how she went to her aunt's house pretty much EVERY single day" I said

"shut it! thats a long time ago!" Sophie reply and pout.

"oh yeah a VERY long time ago which is just a few months ago" said Bri playfully and the rest of us just laughed so hard.

"ughhh do you want my help or nottttt!" Sophie replied and she is so annoyed right now but all of us already get used to all that.

"okay I'm sorry and yes I need your help!" I said as I hug her

"Apology accepted since you're my best friend. So where should we start? Facebook? Twitter?" She asked as she open my laptop.

After about 30 minutes of searching through all his social media, we found out that his full name is Alexander Arthur Harrison. He is 1 year older than us but his previous school is not the same with ours. He play guitar since theres a picture of him holding a guitar and a lot of girls having a crush on him. He also have a lot of follower in twitter but he only follow a few back. We went to his Twitter page and the last time he posted something was 6 hours ago and it says "Cute".

"Hmm 6 hours ago? Cute?" says Bri

"Where were we 6 hours ago?" asked Kelly

"I think we were still at the mall?" I replied and again theres a moment of silent

"Wait a minute! what time did you bump into him Em?" Sophie asked breaking the silents 

" How should I know? why would I look at my watch when I bump into someone?" I replied, confused.

"I've look at my watch when we were searching for them remember Sophie? and its about 4pm" says Kelly

"and it happened not long before we met both of you right?!" Sophie continues and I just nod.

The three of them looked at the watch hanging on my bedroom wall and looked at each other back real quick. Shocked.

"That was 6 hours ago!" Kelly shouted

"That means...." Sophie says while smirking at me

"That means?" I was still confused

"Hes probably talking about you!" Bri explained and the three of them just smirking and looking at me.

"OH NO WAY! maybe its for other girl he met after or maybe its for a little kid he saw OR maybe its for his girlfriend!" I replied

"yeah that might happen too but..." Kelly says

" Theres no but and I think we did a VERY good job for today. Its time to sleep" I replied as I close the laptop.

We all are quite tired plus we have to wake up early tomorrow so all of us says out goodnights' and go to sleep but...

"Is that for me? or maybe its for his girlfriend?" does he have a girlfriend?" all the thoughts that came into my mind. 

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