Chapter 11: The party

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We arrived at the party and there was a lot of people in there. Cameron left us as soon as he found his friends but he did tell us to wait for him near the car at 12 and we all agree to it. We went inside and it was so hard just to get in the house since theres a lot of people near the door. We went inside and the music is getting louder. Theres people dancing and playing around. 

"Omg! Theres Isaac!" Said Sophie half whispering half shouting and all of us look at the direction she was pointing. Isaac, Olivia and his friends were sitting on the sofa and some of them dance to the song that was playing. Olivia and her friends were stunning as always but I didn't see Alex there. Weird. He's always with his friends especially Isaac. But now he's not there. "Ughh what do I even care" but to be honest I felt a little bit disappointed.

"Let's get something to drink" said Kelly as we went straight to the kitchen. The house is huge. In the kitchen, theres all kinds of drink but we went for the non-alcoholic fruit punch. After that we met some of the people we knew and talk for awhile. As they were talking I saw a balcony on my right and I started to walk towards it. 

"EM! where are you going?" Asked Bri.

"I'll be back in a minute" I replied.

I went to the balcony and at last I can breathe some fresh air with no smoke from the cigarette. And I saw a beautiful garden that was decorated with fairies light. I started to go down the stairs towards the garden. It was so beautiful and took a deep breath and stretches my hand upwards. 

"This is what I like...peaceful and quiet" I sighed and I can feel myself smiling until...

"I know right" someone replied and I turned my head to where the voice was coming from

"So-sooryy I thought I was the only one here" I apologized but I can't really see that person's face but I'm know from his deep voice that it must be a guy. He was sitting on the grass where there is no light there and I was standing near the dim light where there's a bench right next to it.

"nahh its okay" He replied and I started to walk out of the garden.

"Wait you can stay if you want since its really noisy and crowded with people in the house. You can sit on the bench." He pointed towards the bench. 

"Oh ok-kay" since I don't want to go inside so I'd rather stay here with him. I went to the bench and sit but It was a little bit uncomfortable because I can feel the stare he's giving even though its dark.

"Well I know this is do you wanna talk about anything" He said to make it less awkward

"Yeah this is awkward but I don't really know what to talk about" I replied

"Can I ask you some questions?" He asked and I nodded

"How old are you?"

"I'm 16"

"That means I'm 1 year older than you" 

"cool I guess" I replied. I didn't know what to reply to that so yeah

"you guess? okay next question. Who are you here with?" he laughed a little

"umm my friends"

"not your boyfriend?" he asked

"nope. I don't have a boyfriend. Its just my friend, they forced me to come here"

"wow you really love them don't you"

"yeah I do. But what makes you say that?" I asked

"Well just now you said that you like somewhere peaceful and quite but you still agree to be in a crowded and loud place like this."

"Hmm good point" I chuckled

"What can I say. I'm a genius" He said confidently

"I bet you're not" I replied playfully

"yes I am"

"Yeah right. Genius people doesn't say "I'm a genius" to other people"

"But I'm a proud genius" He replied

"You are not"

"Yes I am"



I was about to continue the small argument with him, suddenly my phone rang and its was Kelly.

"Em! Where are you?!"

"I'm at the same place at you. Duhh" I replied

"Obviouslyyyy. Well its 12 and we are all waiting for you in the car. Come here quickly"

"Wait its 12?!" as I hold the phone to look at the time and yeah its already 12:05

"Okay okay I'll be there" I replied and hung up 

"Well I have to go now. Its nice talking to you. Bye" as I stood up from the bench quickly and walk as fast as I can heading to the car. I didn't even wait for him to say anything but I'm sure I heard him saying "Good night. bye" As I reached the car, they were all already in their seats and I quickly apologized and we head to Kelly's house. 

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