Chapter 16: Phone Number

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"Em? Emma? are you listening?" Eric asked

"I'm so sorry but can we talk later Eric?" I replied and I left him and walk alone to my locker.

"Um heyy Emmalyn" Alex said when I got to my locker

"Heyy, you can just call me Emma or Em" I replied with a nervous laugh

"oh yeah hi Emma" he greet me again

"Hi again Alex" I reply for the second time. He sound nervous but it's not awkward though

"Oh yeah I've said that haha" he said why rubbing his neck 

"Yeah but is okay haha" I replied as I open my locker

"Well umm can...can I ask you something? He questioned

"Yeah sure. What is it?" I replied

"You seem like a really fun person to be around with an-and I didn't mean it in a bad or sexual way just from the time we talked at the party and when I introduced myself to you yesterday you don't seem like any other girls in the school who would probably go crazy because of me..Alex talking to them. So..." He explained

"So...." I asked. To be honest I was really freaking out in my mind 

"I was wondering if I can get your umm... number?" he asked with a nervous tone and one of him eyebrow raised up

"My number??" I was shock! Alex the most popular guy in the school, the guy that was talking to me at the garden, the guy that always in my mind distracting me from everything I do and the guy that every girl in the school is crazy about IS ASKING FOR MY NUMBER?! WOW JUST WOW?! my brain is really freaking out right now.

"Yeahh I just think we can hang out sometime, just talk and eat or maybe drink?" he said. I was still shock and we end up looking at each other for a few second before I regain my conscious to reply back.

"yeah yeah sure" I replied. He handed over his phone and I put my number on it.

"Well I guess I'll talk to you later then. See you around Emma" He said with a smile 

"Yeah sure bye" I managed to reply as he walk down the hallway and disappear in the crowd. I was still in a shock condition. all I did was standing in front of my locker looking at my Mathematics book that I was holding onto but my mind was all over the place. My mind still need time to re-evaluate on what's just happened. A few minutes later, I realize I was standing there just staring at my book and people might think I'm crazy or something so I just packed up my things and headed home.

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