Chapter 3: Distracted

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After done eating, we went to our locker to get some books and getting ready for the next class. There are a lot of people on the hallway and it is quite noisy with all the students are talking to each other. So of the couples are hugging and flirting with each other. As I take my book out of my locker, "Wow isn't he perfect" "Does he have a girlfriend?" "Are they together?" " Alex is so cute" said some of the students in the hallway. 

I look to my left side and saw the same guy in the cafeteria earlier and he was looking directly to me. "Do I know him?" "Are we related or something" "or did I do something" "why is he staring at me" all the question came out in my mind.

Suddenly my notebook falls down and before I can get it myself, there's a hand took it and handed it to me. "Oh my thank you so much" I thank that person and look up to look at that person's face and I was in shock when the person that helped me and the person  that is standing in front of me is him. The guy from the assembly, the cafeteria and the person that most of the girl in the school had a crush on. I know that his name is Alex because of all the girls are talking about him near my locker. I was in shock. I was looked at him expecting him to walk away but no all he did was standing looking at me the a smile on him face.

 I can hear some of the girls in the back says "Why is Alex smiling at her?" "Look at their hands!" I quickly look down and just realize that the guy was holding her hand. It was an awkward situation in the hallway and I can feel like the people in the hallway are all staring at me.

"RINGGGGGGGG" the ball rang which means the next class is about to start. I quickly thank him once more and started walking back to my class but I did hear he replied "Okay, See you around"

As I enter the class,"EM! where were you?" Sophie asked.

 "I went to take my book in my locker" I replied and they just nod and went back to their sit. The teacher came and the class starts as usual. But for today, I was distracted by what happen earlier.

 "Did he really said see you around? or am I just imagining stuff?"  "Does that means he wants to see me again" " or maybe he's just being nice that's why he said that" I thought to myself. I was so distracted by that and I don't even realize that the class is over.

"Em, do you wanna join us to the mall later?" asked Bri but i didn't answer her question 

"Em? Emma! EMMMAAAA" Bri shouted into my ear

 " Ouch! That is so loud! what is wrong with you Bri?!" I asked

 "Sorry! but you're daydreaming and I was asking you if u wanna join us to the mall later but you didn't answer me and I've called out your name a couple times but it still the same" Bri explained 

"oh I'm sorry, yeah I'll follow you" I replied.

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