Little FLower

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It's been about two weeks since Lukana and Sara died. Weisslogia had left with his son to the sea. They would be gone for a while. They said for about six weeks. Skiadrum had also left with his son.

He'd gone to the forest. There he had a little house. He said he'd be gone for six weeks as well.

While they were gone, Lucy and her family were getting ready to leave for the Human world. They were going to go see Lora, the Queen of Florie. 

Lucy wore Lukana's earring everyday. She would keep her promise. Weisslogia was glad that Lucy had them, he said she always wanted a little girl to give them too, and here you are, even though you aren't her daughter.

As Lucy was packing she touched the crystal earrings. She missed Lukana and Sara. Everyone did. Igneel and Natsu had been locked up in their home, not letting anyone in. As were Metalicana and Gajeel.

Lucy hadn't seen them since the funeral. She was lonely. Sure she had her brothers, and parents but... It wasn't the same.

A soft knock was heard on Lucy's door. "Come in." She said. The door opened to reveal her mother. "Lucy are you ready?" She asked. Layla had gotten paler since her friends died. "Yes, mommy." Lucy said as she got her bag.

They left through a portal, into the city of Crocus. Lucy's eyes widen, as did Zeref and Laxus'. the town was huge and had millions of flowers all over. Lucy's sadness went away. She knew it was still there, but seeing this made her feel better.

"Wow, Mommy!! This beautiful!!!" Lucy squealed. Her eyes were sparkling like diamonds at all the flowers. Laxus and Zeref were even smiling. Jude wrapped his arm around Layla's slim waist. "Well, children Lora is waiting for us." He said.

The kids nodded their heads, and began running towards the Castle in the middle of the city. Layla and Jude walked behind smiling at their children. Lucy laughed with joy. 

"I hear the queen will give birth son, I can't wait!!" "Yeah, I wonder what they'll name the child!!!!" People said all around the family. 

That made Lucy run faster till she finally made it to the Castle gates. They were large and gold. Her family finally caught up with her. And just then Lora came down the stone walkway. The golden gates opened and Lucy ran towards Lora. 

She'd met her a few times before, "Lora-Chan!!!" Lucy cheered, as she finally got to Lora, and hugged her legs. ''Hello Lucy, how've you been?" Lora asked as she tried to hug the young child.

Lora had a gig round tummy, with a baby inside. She had long sea-blue hair that went down to her kneels. But, she mostly kept it up. "Hello Layla, Jude, I'm very sorry about Sara, and Lukana." Lora said.

"It's okay, we're slowly getting better." Jude replied. Lora nodded and smiled. "Well, why don't we go inside and have some food. And lets talk about things that are a little happier." Lora said leading them into the castle.

"Oh and Lucy, Zeref, and Laxus you all can do what ever you want! I have my guards everywhere to protect you so don't worry! If that's alright with you Layla, Jude?" Lora asked looking at her dear friends.

Layla nodded. "It's fine, they've been stuck in the castle for many weeks, I think that'll be a good idea. Now go have fun kids!!" Layla cheered, she went with her friend and husband into the castle. "So where should we go?" Lucy asked as she turned towards her brothers.

"I don't know, how bout ice cream!!" Zeref cheered. Lucy and Laxus' eyes began to sparkle. "We'll use the money pouch mom gave us." Laxus said holding up a bag weighed down by many jewels. "Okay!! Let's go!!!" Lucy yelled.

And the three made their way out the castle gates. 

Their little feet carried them to a small ice cream shop. In side was very cute. It was perfect for an ice cream shop. Lucy and her brothers made their way to the counter. "Hello, my dear! WHat would you little one's like?" The sweet waiter asked at the counter.

"Vanilla." Lucy said, "Lemon." Laxus said.

"I'll have chocolate." Zeref said shyly. The lady smiled and got their ice cream. When they got it, Laxus was about to pay, "Oh, don't worry it's on the house!!" The lady said with a big smile. Lucy smiled back.

"Arigato!!" Lucy said, as her and her brothers made their way out. The went to the park, and sat on a bench. "Hey, Laxus hows your dragon slaying magic going?" Zeref asked as he ate his ice cream.

"It's going good, I guess it's still hard to learn when there isn't a dragon, but it's going great!! I should be done in a month!" Laxus said as he ate his ice cream. Lucy smiled at her older brother.

Lucy knew magic too, it was Celestial. The Queens were only allowed one type of magic, and that was Celestial. 

"You both are lucky." Zeref said as he looked down at the ground. Laxus knew what he was talking about. Zeref wasn't allowed to learn magic. He and Laxus knew why. It was because of the magic that ran through him. 

Lucy didn't know the truth. She was told he was sick with a magic blocker, and he was unable to use his magic. "It's okay Zeref-nii. I promise to no use any magic around you if you like?" She said as she leaned on him.

Zeref smiled. He knew he could handle the magic with his little sister next to him. Laxus smiled. 

"Hey lets go, we need to get back before it's dark." Laxus said as he grabbed the finished ice cream, and threw it away. 

Laxus then began walking to the exit with Lucy and Zeref following. On the way home, Lucy had fallen asleep, and was now on Laxus' back. "She's cute when she sleeps." Zeref said as he looked at his little sister with loving eyes. 

Laxus nodded in agreement. Lucy was their little sister and they loved her like crazy. They'd protect her no mater what.

Lucy smiled as she listen to her brothers talk on into the night. 

"GAAA!!!" Painful screams were heard through the doors. Lucy, and her family were waiting for the arrival of the new little baby. Lora was in a lot of pain. "Mommy, will it be over soon?" Lucy asked as she looked down at the polished stone floors.

"Yes, my dear very soon." Layla said as she rubbed the young girl's back soothing her. Everyone was on edge. They didn't want Lora to die. They wanted her to live. 

"Layla don't worry Lora will be fine." Jude said as he held his wife's hand. Layla nodded her head.

"Gaaaa!!!" The screams raged on for four more hours. Finally a nurse came out and said they could see the young child. Lucy, and her brothers walked in first. They were soon followed by their parents. 

"Can I see the baby?" Lucy asked as she hopped onto the bed. Lora nodded her head to show her a little girl, with big red cheeks, and a plump little body.

"Kawaii!!!" Lucy said as she looked down at the little child. "What's her name?" Laxus asked as he looked at the child. Zeref looked as well. 

"She's very pretty." He said. Lora smiled at the young boy. "Her name's Hisui, also translated into Jade. Don't you think it's perfect for her?" Lora said as she smiled down at her little girl.

"It is my dear." Her Husband said as he too looked at his new baby girl. Layla was crying with tears of joy. She was so happy for her friends.

She was happy that there was another light in the dark world.

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