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Lucy cried when she read the note and couldn't find Minerva anywhere. The maids tried to comfort her but, she'd shoe them away. They couldn't help.

They never helped. They watched as Lucy broke more and more. They let the tears fall as she wepped over her friend. She hugged the letter close to her heart. 

She was hurt, broken, destroyed. But, most of all scared. She was scared Minvera would loose sight of the light. Lucy was so scared, that her little sister would walk to wards the dark and her dream would turn around.

She couldn't stand the thought. She just couldn't she tried to go look for Minerva but, she couldn't. The woods wouldn't let her through. They would have her turn around with out her knowing. She would leave and return.

Lucy, knew Minerva was doing it. Telling her she was protecting her. But, really Lucy was being hurt. 

She just wanted to help.

Two months pasted, and Lucy became quite. She never sang the song her mother used to sing to her. Dragon born. A song that was calming. A song that told a story. 

Lucy stared out her window as the rain poured. Lucy never smiled. She lost the meaning to smile. She lost everything. 

Her mother. Her friend. Her father. 

She lost her family. 

Lucy stood up. She couldn't take it anymore. What's the point of living, if the light never stays? 

She walked out her room, and down the hall. The maids past her looking at her with pity. Lucy hated their pity stares. She didn't want pity. She want love.

But, the world won't let her have it.

She walked to the top floor. Her home was three  stories and she went to the roof. Her light green dress blew in the wind as she stood looking over he home. The one that held memories, she forgot. 

Her hair wipped around her face, as tears threaten to fall. Lucy wiped them away, and took out the white ribbons that held her hair in pig tails.

She walked towards the edge, heading for her end. Her feet moved on their own, taking her to her final breath.

I love you mommy...I'll be with you soon.... Lucy thought, as she stepped off the roof and fell to the ground. Tears came down as she fell to her death. Lucy awaited her death. The one that would take her to her mother.

But, it never came.

She opened her eyes, to see that she was floating calmly. She landed safely. She looked around. One minutes she was heading towards death, the next she's fine.

"Oh Lucy..theres no need to die.." A voice said behind her. She wipped her head around to see something she thought she'd never see again.

Her mother.

"Mom?" Lucy said as her mother walked towards her wearing a white dress. Tear began to flow down Lucy's cheeks as she ran towards her mother. Layla opened her arms, for her child. "Mom!!!" Lucy cried as she hugged her mother.

Layla rubbed her head holding her child, calming her down. "I-I thought you died!!" Lucy winned. Layla shock her head.

"No my dear. I went home because I was loosing magic power. I can't stay in this world long." Layla said. Lucy looked up at her mother. She was so confused what was her mother talking about?"

"Let me show you my dear." Layla said as a portal opened showing a crystal castle against a bright blue sky. "Come on, everyone's waiting!" Layla said as she took her child's hand and led her through.

Lucy's mouth opened wide as she saw dragons flying all around. "What..What is this place?" Lucy asked as she walked forward. Her mother came up behind her. "This my dear is the Dragon Realm. This is my kingdom."Layla said.

Lucy's eyes widen. A smile formed on her lips. She was saved. Her mother saved her.

Just then the dragons came down, making large waves of wind, that made Lucy's dress flow around. Then they changed into humans. There were 10 dragons. Six boys, four girls.

"Hello Princess Lucy!" They all cheered. Lucy covered her mouth with her hands. "We are here for you! I hope we become great friends!!" A woman with blue hair cheered. 

Lucy ran right towards her. She had a family. She had friends!! She had hope.

"Thank you! Thank you!!" Lucy cried as the hug turned into a giant group hug. 

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