Little Star

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Well, Earth land celebrated the arrival of their new princess!! The party was a week long. Lucy adn her family stayed the whole week celebrating, and having fun. Lucy was always by little Hisui. Lucy couldn't get over how cute she was!!

Her family was always off talking to people, and getting on sugar highs. Well Laxus and Zeref at least. 

But, soon the Heartfillias left, back to there home. Weisslogia, Sting, Skiadrum, and Rogue were still gone. And Natsu and Gajeel, along with their fathers were still locked away.

And just like them the royals locked themselves away. The skys were no longer blue, but dull and gray. Rain poured out onto the once shinning realm. Lucy looked out her window. She was in the tallest tower.

No not waiting for her prince charming. She was just up there because that was her room. It was big and had lots of space. And when she wanted the room when she was only 3, they found it covered in white blankets. 

Under neither them was furniture. They kept most of the furniture, but kept a magnet shade of pick here and there.

It was just how Lucy wanted it. A soft knock was then heard, at her door. "Come in." Lucy said. A maid opened the door, "Miss Lucy, it's time for supper." The maid said. 'OKay." Lucy said dryly. 

The maid left and Lucy went back to watching the dark sky. She was depressed just like everyone else.  How could she face her family? She was still morning over her beloved friends. 

A single tear ran down her cheek. Lucy was only five, and then this happened. She had seen heart brake right before her eyes. That night Lucy didn't eat. She fell asleep by her window holding onto hope. 

The day's went by, and the Heartfillia's left once more. They went to the Celestial world. They were going to be there for the Queen. Her name was Mir. She and Layla were great friends. In fact, Layla, Mir, Lora, Sara and Lukana were great friends.Even Gajeel and Natsu's mothers were great friends with the five. 

But, now the once seven shining stars, were down to just three. They had lost four amazing stars. Layla took Lucy's hand as the walked into the portal. 

The Heartfillias stepped into a world that had millions of beautiful planets floating every where. There were stars shinning. It looked so amazing. The Heartfillia's spirits were lifted. Lucy, Laxus, and Zeref's eye's twinkled.

"Lucy!!!" Lucy turned her head towards the voice to see her spirits coming towards her with open arms. She smiled a huge smile and ran towards them. They were in a giant group huge. Laxus and Zeref stood a few yards away smiling at their little sister.

"Layla!!!" Cheered a voice. The group turned towards the voice to see a woman with a big round stomach, and long white hair that was put into pig tails. "Mir!!!" Layla called, as she picked up her pink and gold gown, and ran towards the woman.

Once they made it to each other they gave one another a big hug. "Oh it's so good to see you Mir!!" Layla cheered as she pulled away. The woman known as Mir, smiled back at Layla. "it's good to see you too!!" Mir said.

"How's the baby doing? Almost time for them to come out?" Layla asked as she pocked Mir's tummy. "Oh, yes!! I can't wait to hear the pitter-patter of little feet!!" Mir coed. Layla smiled at her friend. 

"Hello Jude!! Hello Lucy, Laxus, Zeref!!" Mir called as she made her way towards the group. Lucy got out of her hug with her spirits, and hugged Mir. "Hello Mir-Chan!!" Lucy cheered, as she hugged Mir's legs. 

"Hello." Laxus and Zeref said. "Hello!!" She coed. She then turned on her heals, "Now let's go inside!! I have a very nice tea party ready!" Mir said as she began walking to a castle that looked like a crystal.

That night the group celebrated fro coming together once again. 

The days went by and soon Mir went into labor. "Gaa!!!" The fimliar screams of pain were heard through the doors. Lucy had gotten used to the sound. This was the fifth and last birthing she hoped to attend. 

The screams were becoming louder and louder. Laxus and Zeref just looked mortified by the screams. Jude held Layla's hand. Lora had survived and Layla hoped that Mir would too. She didn't want to loose anyone else. 

Lucy looked down and twitled her fingers. Soon after hours of listening to the screams, a nurse came out smiling. "You can come in!" She chirped, as she let the family in.

Inside was Mir holding a little bundle with her husband next to her. The heartfillia's made their way to the bed. Lucy hopped on and crawled her way towards Mir. She pared down at the little baby. 

It was a girl with a little bit of light blue hair, almost white. She had round cheeks, and a plump body. "So Kawaii!!!" Lucy coed as the little baby open her eyes to reveal honey colored eyes. "She has my eye color!! That's so cool!!!" Lucy cheered.

Laxus and Zeref looked at the child as well. "Small." Was what Laxus said as he looked at the child. "She's very pretty." Zeref said as he rubbed the little girl's soft rosy cheeks. 

"What's the little one's name?" Jude asked as he too looked at the young child. Layla as well looked at the little star shinning before them.

"Her name is Yukino!!!" The Celestial King cheered. The family smiled with glee!!! A new star was born.

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