The Secret Meetings

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March 20th, X764 4 am

Dear Diary,

It's been 15 days since I've seen that weird man. He hasn't left my mind. He makes my heart flutter and beat faster every time I think of him. What is happening to me? This feeling is different than when it was from Igneel.

Is it love at first sight? 

I know what you're thinking. That I'm just being stupid and that it's such a clique for me to fall in love when I don't even know his name or anything about him. 


Ugg!! This is so confusing!!! 

But, anyway Igneel has a new girlfriend, Her name is Rosa. She's really nice. Me and her have become great friends, and I've closed the hatch with Igneel.

Rosa is a short girl with a big chest but, not to big. She has long green hair, and white eyes. She's so beautiful too!! I'm very happy for Igneel. 

Oh ya!! We're friends now. But, anyway everyone loves Rosa. She's nice sweet and really kind. I've talked  her and she tells me all about the dates she goes on with Igneel, and  I'm happy for her.

Don't worry I'm not jealous. It's just been really good. Oh and in fact Rosa told me her magic!! She's a Animal  Dragon!! I know her family isn't in the Dragon Council, Animal Dragon Magic isn't that powerful. 

But, anyway. Every things been great!!! 

But, I have gone down to the town to see if that man has been there. I really want to see him again. Uggg!!!! I hate feeling some times!!!

But, lets move away from feelings!

Metalicana has a girlfriend as well!! Her name is Mikaela! She's my height which is like 5'5. She's really nice!! She has long Blonde hair and bright blue eyes!! Her chest isn't big like me and everyone else. But, non of us care!

Me, Aki, Celist, and Clover have been hanging out with the two new girls a lot!

Well I have to go I hear someone coming down the hall!! I have to keep you a secret!!!

Love Layla

March 23th, X764 1 am

Dear Diary,

Oh my god!!! It was him!! Him!! He came!! I don't know how, but it was him!!! He came through my window. "Layla?" He called. I shot up and looked at him. I screamed because I didn't know who it was. 

I threw my pillow at him. He got hit and fell out the window. I rushed to window to see him, stuck in a tree. "Is that really how you treat someone?" He asked, still stuck in the tree. I looked closer to see it was him.

"What are you doing here!?" I whispered yelled, trying not to get the guards attention. He climbed quietly out of the tree and up to my window seal. He was perched on the open window seal, with his came not covering his chest.

I blushed at the sights. He had black baggy pants, with a white waist band and brown boots on. His chest was very muscular. More than Igneels!!  

His blue markings looked they were glowing. His silver hair blew in the wind. I must've looked like a tomato cause he started to laugh.

I turned around hoping to hide it. He jumped down from the window seal into my room and looked around. "Okay so tell me why you here!! And how the hell did you find me!!!" I whisper yell, once I was sure I was back to normal.

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