The Beginning

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Lucy's POV

I opened my eyes to see a dark voide before me. I couldn't see much, it was dark and cold. Why am I here?

"Lucy." I look to my side to see my mother. I could feel tears forming. "Mom.. What am I-"

"Your here to see all your memories. Lucy. " She said. I looked at her confused. "What do you mean Mom?" Looking down she signed, "Lucy you will see memories erased from you, so long ago." She said.

I could see tears starting to roll down her cheeks. I wanted to hug her but my body won't move.

"You'll also here my voice, reading a diary I wrote in many years ago. There are things that I never thought would happen, or someone would read." She was sobbing now.

"Lucy I love you. I hope you know that." She said.

Then she disappeared.


No One's POV

Our story begins with a a diary entry. One written by Layla, Lucy's mother.

August 25, X763 12:30 pm

Dear Dairy,

My name is Layla Muku. I am 15 years old, and the Princess of the dragon realm. My mother is name Akane Muku. Yeah, I know crazy name. My grandmother is very weird.

My families weird.

I mean I have a father on earthland, and a half brother there too, but I only see them twice a year. Tear.

But, anyway I'm the only living heir to the throne, (Well, pure blood that is) and let me tell you it is horrible!! I have to learn so much history, science, math, and Language Arts I swear I don't know how I made it 15 years old!!

But, it will all be worth it, when I'm 18 and I get to go find a husband!! But, don't get me wrong being the Princess has it's benefits. I mean I can eat, sleep, and do what ever I want. Well at least on the weekends.

Most of the time I'm locked up in my classrooms. It's boring here. I don't have many friends besides my Celestial Spirit Keys. There fun to hang out with. I love Aquarius. She's funny and really sweet.

My mother says I'm very strong. I can only use one type of magic, and that's Celestial Magic. I don't see how I'm so strong.

Ugg. But being a princess isn't just about learning how that stuff, but also the dresses!! I mean I love them!! They're soft, and silky, and are so beautiful!!

Well, I must go Mother will come in soon and she can never see you.

Love Layla

November 12, X763 2:30 am

Dear Dairy,

Hello, I'm sorry I haven't written in you for so long. I've been so busy with work that I forgot to write to you. Ugg well anyway I got to see my Father again!! He's so sweet. He and Mother gave me this Necklace called the Fairy Gem!!

My mother says she was my age when she got it as well.

It's so beautiful! It looks like the guild's mark. Oh yeah! My father is the Master of the guild Fairy Tail!! And the first master, Mavis, had gotten the guild mark from the necklace I wore. She was friends with the Dragons cause she helped with some big conflict like 120 years ago.

But, anyway he says that when I'm old enough I can join. What does he mean by old enough!! I'm like 15 years old!! And i'll be turning 16 in a few months!

Ugg, my family is way to over protective. But, what ever I'll join someday!! I can't wait.

I hung out with Igneel, Grandine, Celest, and Metalicana. They're my best friends. My other friends were out on a trip. They're so lucky, but that's okay because we plan to go out the forest very soon.

I know, I know it sounds very childish, but the forest is amazing!! There are so many cute, and amazing animals there!!

But, anyway today me and my friends went out of the Castle grounds and into the town. Its very pretty. The Dragon Realm is one of the most richest Realms in the universe!

Given there is only 4, but still!! Oh and other three realms are, Earthland, The Celstial World (Were my dear friend lives, but I can only see him every few years.), and Edolus. Edolus is very pretty.

I have many friends there as well.

But, now back to the town, so we were walking around getting ice cream, looking at shops and just doing teenage stuff. Then Igneel said, "Hey guys I need to talk to Layla for a second." He scratched his dark red hair, while saying that.

I was of course curious as to why he wanted to talk to me alone. I looked towards my friends to see smirks on their faces, and giggling. Even Metalicana, who said was too cool with all his piercings and silver hair to giggle.

I stared at them till, Igneel grabbed my arm and pulled me away. He was heading towards the pond were we used to play when we were children.

Once we were at the edge he stopped, and let go of my arm. I looked at him, still very confused at what was going on.

"Layla, there's something I want to tell" you he said, as he looked at the pond. The sun was shinning on it, making even more blue.

"What is it?" I asked as I leaned forwards, staring at his black eyes. He took a deep breathe, and turned towards me. "I love you." He said taking my hands in his, "I always have. Ever since we were kids." He said.

I starred wide eyed at him. Igneel loves me... Igneel loves me!! I had always had a crush on him, but I never knew he returned the feelings!!!!

"I-" Before he could say anymore, I kissed him smack on the lips. My eyes were closed but, I was pretty sure his eyes were wide.

After a few seconds I pulled away and smiled at him. He smiled back. "So does this mean we're together?" He asked, a hint of worry in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes. This guy can either be smart or dumb, never in between. "Yes, dummy." said as I hugged him.

Today was perfect.

Well I have to go.

Love Layla

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