Chapter 2

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"You're doing it wrong." Naruto looked at me in confusion. "What?" I sigh. "I said you're doing it wrong. Now come on, lemme show you." He had been tying to perch an eraser in the door frame so that when Kakashi Sensei showed up, it would fall on his head.

I take the eraser. "First you gotta load it up on chalk." I take a piece and rub it along the eraser. "And then you have to put it in the door. Not so high up, or he'll notice it." Now make sure the door slides smoothly, and shove the door closed tightly." He followed my instructions. "Perfect."

I sit down on the desks and go back to reading my book. Soon enough, I hear footsteps down the hall. Kakashi walks in and opens the door. Right on queue, the eraser falls and lands on his gravity-defying hair. "My first impression of this group is... You are all idiots." Everyone in the room sweatdropped.

When we got to the roof, Kakashi said. "Alright everybody! Let's introduce ourselves." "What do you mean, Kakashi Sensei?" Sakura asked. Well, he means buy a flying pony of course! "Tell me your name, your likes and dislikes, your hobbies and your dreams for the future." "Well why don't you teachers go first so we know what it's like!"

"Okay," Kakashi began. "My name is Kakashi Hatake, my likes and dislikes... I don't feel like telling you that. My hobbies... I never really had any. My dream for the future... I never really thought of one." Gee, it sure is going to be hard to follow that!

"My name is Sayaka Senju, I like Watching the clouds, Taijutsu and training with my mum. I dislike fan girls, and people who judge quickly. My hobbies are training, and Playing shoji. My dream for the future is to be Hokage like my mum."

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki! Believe it! I like ramen noodles and Sakura-chan. I dislike the three minutes you have to wait after you pour in the hot water. My dream is to surpass all the Hokages ever!"

"My name is Sakura Haruno, I like.. I mean the person I like is..." She looks over at Sasuke. "My hobbies are... well..." Again she glances at Sasuke. My dream is... Oh and I hate Naruto!"

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I dislike many things, and don't like alot. I have no particular hobbies, and my dream is to restore my clan and destroy a certain someone..."

"Well that's great! You are all different in your own ways. Go home now, I need to speak with Sayaka. Oh and one more thing. Don't have breakfast tomorrow. Or you'll throw up."

He turns to me. "Sayaka what we are doing is called the bells test. See what we do is..."

When I get home, I'm exhausted. "Hi honey!" My mum says. "How was your first day of school?" "Interesting." Is all I reply with.

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