Chapter 8

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I wander around the small town of Konoha and not looking where I was going I accidentally ran into Sasuke. Literally ran into Sasuke. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry Sasuke!" He stands up and dusts himself off. "Don't worry, it's nothing." He says as he offers me a hand.

I get up and I look at him. Then he does something not at all Sasuke-like. He glances away as rose colour dances across his cheeks. "Sasuke, are you BLUSHING?" "No..." He says stubbornly. "I just uh, I'm um... I'm sick." I look at him. "You're sick." He nods. "Yep. *cough* I'm pretty sick. *cough*" "Uh huh. I see... Well, I'll see you around. Get well soon!" As I turn to walk away, he calls out "WAIT! Sayaka!" I turn. "Yes?" I ask. He looks down at his feet.

"Will you be my date for Kakashi's party?" What. I didn't think Sasuke liked me. He doesn't like anyone. I walk back over to him. "Sasuke, although she really annoys me, I wouldn't want to do that to Sakura. I know she kind of scares you, but if you give her a chance I think you'll find you guys are really good for each other. Sorry Sasuke."

He nods. "I understand..." He says sadly. Damn it. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. "Hey." I say. No response. "Hey." I say again, and push his chin up so he looks at me. "Seriously, go ask her out." "What?" He asks me. "I told you! Go ask Sakura out now. I guarantee you won't regret it." He nods. "Okay I'll do that now."

I continue walking and soon find that grassy meadow again. I sit down and enjoy the birds chirping and lay down on my back. I sigh as I remember Sasuke's face. I feel so bad for hurting him, but I have a hunch that it will work out between him and Sakura. "Oh, hey Sayaka." I whirl around and flick a kunai in the direction of the sound. It hits a tree right where Shikamaru's head was a second earlier.

He laughs shakily. "You have got to stop doing that." I laugh with him. "And you need to stop sneaking up on me." He sits down with me and we lay our heads on the cool grass. After a few minutes of companionable silence, he begins with "So about that party..." I look at him. "Yeah?" He continues. "Since everyone has a date by now, And I'm not sure who to go with, will you go with me?" My heart flutters. "Just as friends, of course." And with that my heart trips and falls on it's face.

Despite that, I manage a smile. "Sure. I'll go with you."



Hey guys!

Sorry, but this is the last update in a while. As my status said I'm taking a three week trip and sadly, there will be no wifi. Please don't kill me! Also, this chapter is dedicated to @mangareader90 who should change their name to my suggestion. Inbox me for it if you didn't see my comment on your book.

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