Chapter 5

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On my walk home I stop at a nice grassy field. I decide to lay down on the grass. I look up at the sky and watch as the clouds drift on by. They take on some funny shapes. I see a bowl of Ramen, a kunai, a bird... It's so relaxing. I close my eyes, just listening to silence. "You like watching clouds too?"

I swear, it was just a reflex. Still, I'm not really sure how I ended up on top of a black haired boy with a kunai to his neck. "Sorry." I mutter. He sighs. "What a drag." I laugh. "Having a girl randomly pull a knife on you? Yes I suppose that would be a 'drag'." I hold out my hand. "I'm Sayaka. Sayaka Senju." He shakes it. "Shikamaru Nara."

"So anyway, as you were saying, before I interrupted you with a kunai, yes I do like watching clouds." He laughs lowly. "So I see you're a Jounin?" "What of it?" I ask. "Nothing, it's just pretty impressive. You must have trained for a really long time." "My mum trained me." He looks at me curiously. "Who's your mom?" "Tsunade Senju." "Woah." He says.

"Yeah. I trained with my dad sometimes too. He taught me a lot of my Justus, like Rasengan." He looked at me again. "My dad's Jiraiya." "The toad sage? No way." I laugh. "Yeah, not the first time I've heard that response." We just continue to lie there and talk, until I see a hint of orange in the sky. "Shoot! I'm late!" I start to grab my stuff in a hurry. "Me too, what a drag." I laugh. "Is that your catchphrase or something?" He smiles. "Maybe."

He walks me home. "Bye Shikamaru!" I call out to him. "See you around, Sayaka!" I walk inside just in time for dinner, but I hear arguing from inside the kitchen. Great. I see dinner on the table so I grab a plate and head up to my room. It's best not be around them when they're like this. Dad doesn't technically live with us, but he's over a lot. Sometimes they actually get along really well, but others, well.

I fall asleep listening to the sounds of arguing. Sometimes I wish I had normal parents. No legendary Sannins here, just your average run-of-the-mill ninjas who fell in live and decided to have a kid. Instead I'm just an accident. One drink of Sake too many. I usually try not to think about it. But there are times when I'm alone that I just can't help it. I close my eyes as the tear drops hit my pillow.

Hey guys, sorry for the shortness! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though it was kinda sad. I had to show about her inner sadness, it can't be ALL sunshine and kittens. Peace out!


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