Chapter 4

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"So you're my first opponent, huh?" He smirked. "So it would seem." I sigh. "Alright, give it your best shot." He ran at me with a kunai, and I took out my katana and deflected him easily. This was pathetic. He was too focused on getting the bell, that he was distracted from the fight.

I dug my heel into the ground and did a backflip a couple feet away. "Is that all you've got?" I taunted. "Maybe you should get some help." He didn't seem to notice the hint, though. God, why are these kids so dense? Don't they get why they're on teams? I put my hands together. I wasn't a big user of Justus, I preferred to do combat, but there are a few that come quite in handy.

"Hidden mist jutsu!" We were enveloped in a thick, blanketing fog. I smirk. This should keep him wondering. "Multi-shadow clone jutsu!" Suddenly there was a circle if Sayka's around him. We started disappearing and reappearing in the fog. "Which one is real?" We all said together. "Can you figure out Sauke?"

"Darn it!" I hear. I laugh. Well, I've had my fun with you, so I'm gonna go find Sakura. I disappear off, leaving my clones there. Hopefully, they keep him distracted.

"Transform!" I whisper. I turn into Sasuke, but a bloody, broken Sasuke. I stumble out into the clearing where I see Sakura. "Sak...ur...a..." I say clutching my chest, where fake blood is pouring out. She screams and faints. Man, she is too easy to mess with. I turn back just as Sasuke runs into the clearing, probably hearing Sakura's cries.

"So you want to try to beat me again? Well, maybe you have a shot, but not with clones." I say as I stab the one coming behind me without looking. I can tell he's startled, but he tries to stay non-chalant. "Perhaps." He says. I laugh. "Well, follow me. In fact, maybe I should team up with Kakashi." If he doesn't get that hint, I don't want to live on this Earth anymore.

"Oh well, it'll just make the defeat that more embarrasing." That's it. Mars here we come... I ninja dash and end up back to back with Kakashi. "I have dropped countless hints, and they still don't get it." He sighs. "They may be the dumbest batch so far." "How many have passed?" "None." Wait, no one had passed this test? That's insane! "What? No one?" "Yep." He says, as if I had just asked him if he liked oranges.

I let that sink in. If no one has ever passed, what chance do these idiots have? Suddenly Sasuke bursts from the trees. "I will kill you both!" I smirk, and Kakashi claps his hands. "Well done on the determination! Especially seeing as you have oh... Five minutes." With no more words he launches into and attack with his kunai and I draw my katanas. We spar, and he manages to touch a bell, but he doesn't get one. No one does.

Afterwards, Naruto was tied up in the log for stealing lunch, and Kakashi gave the lecture about teamwork. Then we head off to have out lunch, and 'spy' on them. "Nice fighting, Sayaka." I turn to him. "You saw?" He chuckled. "Yes I did. I had clones around watching you and the kids. I shudder slightly. "That's a tad creepy..." He sighs. "Alright, time for our big entrance." I laugh.

We appear standing in front of the kids. Kakashi looks pretty menacing, what with the clouds, and the 'you disobeyed me' pose, but I kind of ruined it. I was just standing there, reading my book, which clearly irked Kakashi, but I didn't care.

"You have disobeyed me... Worse than scum... And that's why..." I look up. "Guys, you passed." Kakashi gets an anime vein. "Dammit Sayaka, we rehearsed this!" Every one sweat dropped. "Fine then just say it!" "No, you ruined the moment!" I sigh. "Alright guys, you pass, worse than scum, Yada yada, congratulations!"

I can tell Kakashi is still upset. "Kakashi." Still no response. "Kaaaaakashiiii..." I have no choice. "Sorry in advance." I say. Then I tickle him. He starts laughing right away. Tears dripping down his face, he says "Okay!-Hahaha-I'm not-hahaha-mad any-hahaha-more so just-hahaha- stop! Please stop!" I stop tickling him.

"You've learned your lesson right? No more being mad at me." I turn to the kids. "Now good job guys! I'm heading home."

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