One Chance -Hikaru Hitachiin-

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One Chance -Hikaru Hitachiin-

Hikaru x Reader

(There's going to be a lot of skipping in this chapter; and its told from Hikaru's POV)

Ever since that day she avoided us like the plague. More specifically, she avoided me.

She avoided Hikaru Hitachiin, the infamous twin brother to Kaoru Hitachiin. Or as some refer to us as: the Hitachiin brothers.

Back then she was just another heart to break, another callous rejection, and just another lame confession.

We saw how broken she looked when we cruelly rejected her affections.

Did we care? Not at all.

Did I care? Not in the least.

Do I care now? Yes I do.


"So, Hikaru, you're telling me you like (Y/N)?" Kaoru asked me as we drove to Ouran Academy.

I nodded as I looked out the window and at the passing buildings, "Yea, I do; It's ironic isn't it? A couple years ago we didn't give her a second thought and now (Y/N) couldn't care less about me..." I said wistfully

Kaoru smiled sadly, "come to think of it, we haven't apologized to some of those girls that confessed to us"

I sighed, "No we haven't. Although, many of them forgave us ever since we joined the Host club"

"(Y/N) still hasn't forgiven us." I heard Kaoru say under his breath.

I don't blame her


I sighed, I was going to regret this, wasn't I?

I silently stood under a pink Cherry Tree as the sounds of chirping birds and gentle winds surrounded me; as well as the fragrant smell of the rose bushes.
Ouran Academy's flower garden is a beautiful place, the Host Club even brought the guests here a couple of times. I thought it would be a good place to apologize to (Y/N)

But she hates me, she won't accept my feelings. So why am I even doing this?

Oh that's right, Kaoru wanted me to.

After some time I was about to walk away, convinced that she wasn't coming. Until she calmly entered the garden holding the little note from me in her hand.

"Hello?" She called out as she wore a curious expression; not yet seeing me beside the cherry blossom tree, "Anybody here?"

"Hey," I said, "its me"

She looked my way and the instant she recognized me her face went from curiosity to disgust in an instant. She turned around to leave, not even bothering to ask why I wanted to talk with her.

I quickly ran towards her and grabbed her forearm gently to stop her from leaving.

"Hey, you don't even want to know why I wanted to talk to you?" I asked, my tone was on the border of rudeness. But, she was the rude one here, not even caring to talk with me.

"No, I don't Hitachiin. Now let go of me, I have better things to do than be here with you." She said as she attempted to escape my grasp.

"Not until you listen to me" I said, she stopped struggling and crossed her arms childishly.

"Fine, what do you want?" She asked.

I stayed silent for a moment not sure how to word my apology, "I...I'm sorry" I said lamely.

"Is that all? Because I'll be going now"

"No, its not, quit being so bratty when I'm apologizing to you." I snapped, slightly embarrassed and annoyed at the same time.

"You're apologizing for...rejecting my confession in Junior High?" She asked, I couldn't read her tone of voice. Was she annoyed, bewildered, happy?

I nodded, "Yea, I am. I'm sorry for doing that and...uh, I hope you'll to forgive me." I averted my eyes from looking at her, I'm not good at this kind of stuff.

"You want me to forgive you? You think that I've been holding a grudge against you for that long? Come on, I've gotten over you a long time ago." She laughed, then said in a cold manner, "But just because I forgive you doesn't mean that I'll get along with you."

"I was hoping we could. My brother and I changed." I said, attempting to convince her that we could actually be friends. There was no chance of her accepting my feelings now, but maybe in the future
"You changed?" She asked in an doubtful tone.

I nodded, "Ask anybody...or you can see for yourself."

(Y/N) looked as if she was considering it. Then after a moment she sighed, "Okay fine, you have a month to prove to me that you changed. One month"

And with those words she left the garden and left me with a little bit of hope for the future.


This is a bad one, I know. I got lazy near the end and I wanted to try one from Hikaru's POV.

Anyway, let me know if you liked it by commenting or voting it and tell me what you thought of it. I'd like some constructive feedback because I know I'm not the best writer. So, I'm looking to improve to become better.

Thanks for reading! ^ ^

Bye Bye~

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