Monochrome Model -Kaoru Hitachiin-

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Monochrome Model -Kaoru Hitachiin-

Reader x Kaoru


"What? Why?" Kaoru complained, "I need you to do this for me, please?" Kaoru held out the 'e' in please childishly.

"Kaoru, I love you but my answer is no" You said. Trying to get Kaoru, your boyfriend, to stop bugging you about the thing.

"I can't get any more models in such a short amount of time and the fashion show is in three days! Come on (Y/N), I really  need you for this!" Kaoru explained.

"And I really  don't want to do this. I'm just not cut out for the runway." You said.
Kaoru has been trying to get you to become a model for his fashion show since the beginning of the week, but you just weren't interested in doing it. His fashion shows are amazing, there's no doubt about that. Kaoru has been in the fashion business ever since he got out of college, and even in college, he was designing and helping with her own fashion shows.

"Come on, I have some designs you'll love to wear." Kaoru got out his design book and started to show you his drawings of the outfits that he needs models for. You admitted that they were great, but still denied his offer.

"Can't you get Haruhi to do it? She wouldn't mind going up there, plus Tamaki would love to see that." You asked him, but he only gave you an are you kidding me kind of face.

"You're right in the sense that Haruhi would do this because she simply doesn't care, but Haruhi's figure just doesn't fill out a lot of these outfits and dresses. Also, have you seen the girl on stage? She resembles a broken robot..." Kaoru sighed as he remembered the first time he actually saw her on stage in high school. "Stupid Lobelia girls" he thought to himself.

"Oh" You were never a prodigy on stage; it just wasn't something you would do. However, for Kaoru? Maybe you will do it.

"Please?" He asked one last time.

"...Okay, I'll do it." You said with a small smile gracing your lips, then you walked towards him and gave him a small peck on the cheek, "For you, I'll do it. But just this once, got it?"

"Got it." Kaoru smiled and surprised you by holding both your hands gently and giving you a full (and sweet) kiss on the lips.

After he pulled away, you could feel the heat quickly rushing to your face, "K-Kaoru! Don't surprise me like that." You covered your red face with your hands, embarrassed.

"Sorry," Kaoru laughed, then pulled your hands away from your face and looked you in the eyes, "you're just too cute not to."

Words were unable to form in your head as your blush slowly grew, "S-so...can I see what I'll wear?" You asked.


"I can't do this..." You muttered as you peeked behind the curtain to see hundreds of people here to see Kaoru's fashion show. You think you even saw a group of Kaoru's friends up front, which included Tamaki and Haruhi...

You turned around nervously and started to search for your boyfriend; weaving through the backstage crowd full of dressed up models, make-up artists, and fashion producers.
Finally, you saw Kaoru talking to one of the make-up artists about how to do a certain models make-up.

He saw you standing there and smiled, he walked up to you and said, "You look beautiful, don't worry about a thing, okay?" He hugged you gently and then kissed your hand, not wanting to mess up any of the make-up on your face.
You smiled lightly, "Thanks Kaoru, but, what if I mess up? What if I trip or freeze up?" You asked with a worried expression.

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