Dances -Takashi Morinozuka-

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Dances -Takashi Morinozuka-

Mori x Reader

"Hey, Takashi. Will you ever ask (Y/N)-Chan out? You two really like each other!" Honey smiled at his cousin, hoping to convince Mori to ask you out.


"You should! She really likes you, I can tell!" Honey bit into a piece of strawberry cake then said, "If you don't get to her soon, somebody else could take her. She has a ton of admirers."


"Hey, how about you-" Honey was cut off when Tamaki rushed across the club room, which was empty except for the Hosts, and he ran over to the two third-years.

"Mori-senpai! Do you like somebody!?" Tamaki yelled in excitement, "Who? Who? Tell me who!" Tamaki looked as joyful as a child with a big wide grin on his face and his eyes sparkling.

Mori only sweatdropped, he could've gone without the other Hosts knowing his crush towards you.

Tamaki's yelling had only caught the attention of the other Hosts, who were now curious.
The twins, Hikaru and Kaoru, slyly slid into the scene with some smug faces on.

"I bet we can guess who it is, Mori-Senpai" They said in unison.
"Is it that one second-year who always seems to be around you, what was her name... Yuki Nakamura!" Kaoru guessed.

Mori only shook his head.

"Hm, then that quiet first-year. You two get along well! Her name was Kana Kimura." Hikaru guessed.

"Nope!" Honey exclaimed, "She doesn't come to the Host Club, she's not into this kind of stuff." Honey gave them a hint.

Tamaki then started to guess, naming random names of girls in the school at rapid speeds, "Hinami-chan? Aya? Haruko? Sen? Yukiko? Yada-san? Lin? Isamu? Hitoko? Hayami? Matsuyo-chan?" Tamaki then gasped and yelled, "Is it Haruhi?! It better not be my precious Haruhi! You're not after her too, right!? I'll protect you my daughter!" Tamaki then tackled Haruhi in a constricting hug, while Haruhi only struggled and got annoyed.

"Nope, none of those girls Tama-chan!" Honey said.

Haruhi finally got out of Tamaki's death grip and thought for a moment, " it... (Y/N) (L/N)? I see you two hang around a lot. Even out in public sometimes." Haruhi asked.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! That's right Haru-chan!" Honey confirmed Haruhi's guess and stuffed another piece of cake in his mouth.

"Eh? Who's that?" Hikaru asked.
"Never heard of her." Kaoru said.

"She's a third-year, in the same class as Mori-Senpai and Honey-Senpai. She's the daughter of two wealthy and well-known lawyers. Miss (L/N) is usually a reserved person, but is bubbly and excitable when with people she is close to. She is average when it comes to grades, but has a surprising amount of admirers due to her cute exterior." Kyoya explain while reading out of his black notebook, then closed it shut with a snap. (Sorry if that doesn't sound like you)

"Still don't know who she is. Kyoya-senpai, do you have a picture?" Kaoru asked.

"Here! (Y/N)-chan is a really great person, she's even hung out with Takashi and me before!" Honey exclaimed while showing the twins a picture of you, Honey, and Mori at the mall.

"Oh she is cute. No wonder she has so many admirers; even Mori-Senpai!" Hikaru exclaimed.

"I thought the only thing Mori-senpai cared about was Honey-senpai" Kaoru continued, talking about Mori right in front of him. Mori only sweatdropped.

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