Fallicious -Haruhi Fujioka-

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Fallicious -Haruhi Fujioka-

Haruhi x Reader

based on a mistaken belief

"Thanks Haruhi!" You smiled at the presumable boy.

"No problem, (Y/N)-chan." Haruhi smiled politely at you as he handed your pencil back and turns around to continue to listen to the teacher.
Ever since you were seated next to the commoner boy, you've slowly been falling for his natural charm and his straight forward nature. You supposed it was to be expected, Haruhi was a part of the Host Club and you heard from a couple of your friends that he's quickly been getting more and more popular. You never bothered to go to the Host Club, you had your own club activities and that kind of thing didn't interest you in the least; until you met Haruhi.

When Haruhi first came to Ouran, he was nice to you, so you were nice to him. But, many others in the school didn't treat him the same way.
That is until he met the Host Club, they gave him a whole new look. And honestly, when you first saw him in the boys uniform, no glasses, and styled hair. Your heart skipped a beat and you stopped breathing for a moment.

You fell for him bad.

You planned on confessing to Haruhi later in the week. Maybe even tomorrow...yeah, tomorrow sounded good.

The next day you made some chocolate for Haruhi, with the help of your chefs, of course.You went to school and acted as normal. Well, as normal as you could with your heart trying to beat out of your chest.

Soon enough, it was the end of the day and everyone was packing their stuff up. You waited until you and Haruhi were the last ones in the classroom. Once the last student left you approached Haruhi nervously, playing with the string on the hem of your school bag anxiously.

"Hey, Haruhi!" You smiled at him.

"Oh, (Y/N)-chan, hey." He smiled at you, that smile that never failed to make your heart skip a beat, "Did you want something?" He asked.

"A-actually, I want to ask you something... Well, it's more like telling you something. It's not really a question, I mean, it could be but it's not. I-It's not all that important anyway, I just wanted you to know..." You stopped yourself there, not wanting to make a fool of yourself by talking nonsense.

"What is it, (Y/N)-chan? You can talk to me about anything." He said comfortingly.

You looked down at your feet, struggling to keep a blush down, "Well, Haruhi. I just wanted to sa-"

"Haruhi! What are you waiting for? Let's go."
"Yeah Haruhi, you're so slow."

The infamous Hitachiin twins had loudly come into the previously quiet classroom; interrupting your confession to Haruhi. The two brothers were looking into the classroom from the doorway, bored expressions across their faces.
Haruhi gave them an exasperated look, "Guys, can't you see I'm talking to (Y/N)-chan?"

"But the boss will freak out if you some late again." One twin said, shrugging.
"Kyoya might even add more hours to your debt." The other said.

This seemed to bother Haruhi a bit, then he turned to you, "Sorry (Y/N)-chan, can you tell me later?"

You shake your head dismissively, "It's fine. You can go, it was kind of dumb anyway.."

"Thanks, I'll make sure to talk with you later." Haruhi assured you and left. You fake a kind smile as you watch Haruhi leave the room with the twins.
You sigh as you pick up your bag, "I guess I'll tell him another day..." You mutter dejectedly and quietly stalk out of the classroom.

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