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"Enjoy the little things in life... for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things."

One Monday morning I walk up at 7

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One Monday morning I walk up at 7.30am, I search my cupboard for something appropriate to wear to Clarkson Inc. I find a black skirt, white blouse and a black jacket.

I step into the shower and wash myself. After the shower I wrap a towel around my body. I exit the bathroom and dry myself. I hear my phone ring and I run over to it.

"Hello, this is Ava?"

"Hello, Ava. I'm Liz, Mr. Clarkson's secretary. He asked me to remind you that you start work at 9am today. Can you be here twenty minutes earlier as he wants you to fill out forms?"

I look at the alarm clock and it say 8.15. "I'll be there soon."

I'm not going to make to the place with twenty minutes to spare.

I gather my things and run out of the apartment.

As I'm jogging to the bus stop I see a limo pulls over. The window is pulled down.

Dex sticks his head out the window. "Get in. I'll drive you to work."

I climb into the limo and look at Dex. "This is similar to what happened on Friday night. Why do you want me in the car with you?"

He pulls my hand in his. "I don't want to see you catch public transport. From now on you will ride with me. I'll be taking you to and from work." Dex places the envelope on my lap. "Here is the updated agreement. Also, I told my parents have a girlfriend and they are looking forward to meeting you tomorrow night. We'll be having dinner at their place."

I don't want to have dinner at his parents place. That's something a proper girlfriend or fiancé would be and I'm neither.

The limo pulls in front of huge building with Clarkson Inc. on the building. The building is full of windows. It's the same height as the other buildings around it.

The driver opens the door. "Have a nice day." He says as we step of the car.

Dex and I enter the building.

A male secretary looks up from his computer. He smiles. "Good morning, Mr. Clarkson."

Dex nods. "Good morning, Jerome. Can you give our new employer the new workers package?"

Jerome rises and goes through a metal cabinet. He pulls out an envelope and shuts the door. He move over to his desk and sits down. "Here you, Miss." He slides it across the desk.

I pick it up.

Jerome smiles. "I'm Jerome. What your name sweetheart?"

I return the smile.

Dex clears his throat and I turn towards him. "Hurry up. There's things I need to do and showing you around upstairs isn't one of them."

I turn back to Jerome. "I'm Ava. It's nice to meet you." I run over to Dex as the lift door shuts. I put my hands in the middle of the closing doors and it opens for me. I stand next to Dex as the takes us up to the top floor. The door opens and we exit. Dex shows me to my desk.

Dex stops in front of an office. "That desk is yours." He points at the office behind him. "This is my office. If you need anything come to me." he opens the door to the office. "Ava, I want a black coffee with two teaspoons of sugar." Dex shuts the door to his office.

I start up the computer and put my handbag under the desk. I place the workers document on the table.

I'll look at it later.

I rise and walk toward where I think the kitchen is. I see a white door at the end of the hall. On the white door is a sign that says 'kitchen.' I push the door open.

A few woman look at me as I enter the room.

I smile. "Hello, I'm Ava Montgomery."

The dark haired girl standing next to me smiles. "Hey, I'm Charlotte. How are you working on the top floor?"

"I am Mr. Clarkson's secretary."

Charlotte shakes her head. "He already has one. But, she's a major bitch."

I nod in agreement. "Yes, she is. I remember a couple of years ago I applied for a job here and she told me I needed to leave as I wasn't pretty enough to work here."

The blonde next to her shakes her head. "I've seen a lot of girls leave because her. One thing I've noticed is that she never gets close to Mr. Clarkson. He keeps her at a distance."

I move over to the coffee pot and I make Dex his coffee. "I better take this to the boss."

Charlotte opens the door for me. "I'm guessing you're the woman he chose for the Baby Agreement?"

How does she know about that?

Charlotte whispers. "We've heard a lot over the years and that one is my favorite gossip in the office. If it's true I understand why he chose you for it."

I exit the kitchen and walk to Dex's office. I knock on the door.

Dex waves me into his office and I enter the room. I shut the door and move over to desk. I place the coffee in front of him.

I sit across from him and fold my arms. "Did you know most of your employees know about the Baby Agreement?"

Dex shakes his head. "I didn't know. Does anyone suspect you being in that role?"

I nod. "One person. She said she understands why you chose me. She also glad you didn't chose you secretary."

Dex laughs. "I don't date my co-workers. You're the only exception, Ava. I met you in a different environment than here so the no dating policy is something we can ignore. I better move my old secretary to downstairs. I don't want to keep my brother away from his new secretary."

The woman enters Dex's office without knocking. She looks me up and down before turning her attention to Dex. "What do you need, Sir?"

I rise. "I'll talk to later." I exit the room.

A couple of minutes later the secretary exits the room with a scowl on her pretty face. "You got me demoted."

I shake my head. "You didn't get demoted. You get more than I do working for Dex's brother. You get to travel the world with one the hottest men in the world. Don't keep going after Dex he's the type of man that know what he wants." I touch her shoulder. "He never wanted you."

She smiles. "Thank you for making me see how my new job will be better than yours."

I roll my eyes. "I wasn't expecting to hear the bitchiness to return this quick."

She laughs. "I'll see you around." She starts to pack her desk.

Once the table is packed the secretary walks over to the lift and presses the button fir the floor below ours.

I wonder how many other work on this floor?

Dex holds my shoulder. "Now, she's gone we can talk about the agreement. I want you to know I want to start trying for a baby right away."

I nod. "I'll be ready when we sleep together."

The Billionaire's Baby Agreement (part I and II)Where stories live. Discover now