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"Stop worrying about what you have to loose and start focusing on what you have to gain." – A life Quote

Recap: Lauren looks at me. "Are we still going to breakfast with that hunky man you had with you last night?"

Dex enters the room. "Yes, we are. My driver will be downstairs in a couple of minutes. Then I can get to know the two beautiful woman in this room."

Lauren blushes. "Aw, you're sweet, handsome. I can't believe I didn't find you first."

Dex looks away and his face his slightly red

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Dex looks away and his face his slightly red.

I clear my throat. "Should I give you two a moment?"

Lauren and Dex look at me.

I rise. "Are you flirting with, Dex, because of what happened last night?"

She shakes her head. "I wouldn't do that to you, Ava."

Yeah, right. It's not the first time I've lost a friend through a guy and I doubt it will be the last.

"I'm going out. Don't follow me." I exit the house and follow the footpath to the lake down the road from my place.

At the lake I watch a kid throw some bread in. I see a sign close to that says not to feed the birds.

I am about to turn away when I hear a kid scream. I see a splash in the lake. I strip off my jacket and run to the lake. I dive into the water as the kid starts to sink.

The water is freezing and I start to shiver. I grab a hold of the kid and pull him to the surface. I slap the kids face. "Hey, buddy. Open your eyes."

The kid starts to cough up the water.

I swim over to the dock and lie him on it.

People start to run over to the kid.

I move through the crowd and pick up my jacket. I put it on and walk away.

I don't need credit for this.

I see an ambulance pull to the side of the road. An ambulance officer looks at me. "Where's the kid?" I point to the crowd. "He's on the dock.

"Thank you." he looks at me. "Are you alright?"

I nod. "You don't need to worry about me. Look after the kid. Please, don't tell anyone you saw me."

They rush down to the kid.

I open the door to my place and I find Dex in the kitchen with a spatula in his hands

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I open the door to my place and I find Dex in the kitchen with a spatula in his hands. I slam the door. "What are you still doing here?"

Dex turns to me. "I didn't do anything with Lauren. I didn't want to ruin any chances I had with you."

I didn't need to know that. But, it's good he's being honest with me.

I look around the room. "Where's Lauren?"

He turns to me. "I called a friend and asked him to take her out." He laughs. "They hit it off. So, I gave them the limo and they took our breakfast reservation."

I start shivering from my wet clothes. "I'm going to have a shower." I head straight to the bathroom and strip my clothes off.

I step into the shower and the warm water soaks into my skin. I lean my head against the wall and close my eyes. I hear a knock on the door. "Ava, breakfast is nearly done." I hear muffled through the door.

"I'll be out in a minute." I quickly wash and rinse my body. I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around me. I move toward my bedroom and pull out a t-shirt and shorts. I get changed.

Before I leave my room I pick up the envelope with the agreement in it.

I should add some stuff to this agreement. I deserve to get something out of it.

I enter the kitchen and take a seat at the table.

Dex walks over to the table with a plate of pancakes and places them on the table

I look around the table and see two plates and cutlery, maple syrup and strawberries on the table.

Dex sits across from me. "Do you want to add things to the agreement?"

I nod. "I have three things that are high on the list of things I want you to do for me before I sign anything and they need to be put it writing on this agreement."

He leans against his chair and put his hands behind his head. He sighs. "Alright, tell me what's needed for this agreement."

I lean forward and place my arms on the table. I look him in the eyes. "First you will get tested before Dex Junior comes anywhere near me. I don't trust where you've shoved that thing. I don't give a hoot if you've used protection. Second, you will be with only me during the agreement. I won't tolerate you sleeping around behind my back."

He rises. "Are you serious?"

I nod. "Yes," I rise as well. I look at the ground. "I'm serious. Have you thought what could happen if I walked in on whoever you're doing at the time?"

Dex shakes his head.

"If I saw you do that I guarantee that I wouldn't be able to hold myself together and that kind of stress could lead to a miss..." I trail off.

Dex moves over to me and wraps his arms around me. "I didn't think of that. I was being an asshole I told you that last night. Will you forgive me?"

I shrug.

He kisses the top of my head. "What the third thing?"

I look into his eyes. "If the baby gets sent to hospital for anything I want a phone call. I won't be able to handle it if the child died and I was living my life like nothing happened."

He lets go of me and moves over to his seat. "Done, those are acceptable requests. I'll put them in it tonight."

I sit. "Thank you." I eat my breakfast.

After breakfast I clean up the kitchen with Dex's help.

I look at him. "Can you put some music on?"

4Ever by The Veronica's come over the speakers.

I sing along to the song.

Dex throws the towel on the ground and he moves toward me. He puts one hand on my hip and the other in my hand.

I hold onto his shoulder.

Dex moves us across the floor in the kitchen and he joins me singing the chorus. He dips me and my long hair touches the ground and then he pulls me flush against his body. "You're a great dance partner and singer. I haven't met anyone with the same interests as me before."

I laugh. "That's a shame. I learnt all my moves watching Step Up and Centre Stage. You can thank those movies for teaching me to dance."

He laughs. "Thank you movies for teaching my girl to dance."

I push him away and finish off cleaning the kitchen.

After the kitchen is cleaned Dex looks at me. "What do you want to do today?"

I shrug. "You can chose." I hear a noise outside my door and pull it open.

Lauren and Dex's friend are making out against the wall of my apartment.

Dex stands next to me and he clears his throat. "Can't you take that shit into your apartment Lauren?"

She pulls away from the guy and looks at him. "Oh, hey. You're right we should take this to my apartment."

I shut the door to my place. I search my DVD shelf and put on a movie.

The Billionaire's Baby Agreement (part I and II)Where stories live. Discover now