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"Every single person on the Planet has a story. Don't judge people before you truly know them, the truth might surprise you." – A Life Quote

After my shift I take the rubbish out and put them in the big metal garbage bin in the alley

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After my shift I take the rubbish out and put them in the big metal garbage bin in the alley. I open the door to the diner and lock the door. I switch the lights off in the kitchen.

I pull out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt from my locker.

I'm glad I have spare clothes in my locker.

I get changed into the sweats and t-shirt. I place my uniform and name tag on the table. I pick up my handbag and the few plastic bags I had in the locker. I pick up the key from the office and move around the diner locking the windows. I switch off the light and step outside.

Locking the door to the diner. I place the key under a rock in the garden. I take one last glance at the place I got a job at after I graduated from University.

I'm going to miss this place.

I sigh. I walk the three blocks to my place.

On the way home I see a black limo following me. I ignore the car as I continue my walk home. I hear a door open and I look at the limo.

Dex steps out of the car and walks over to me. "What are you doing walking home alone? Why didn't you run when you saw the car following you?"

I roll my eyes. "I've been walking these streets for the last four years without any incidence and now you show up wanting to protect me?" I turn away from him. "I DON"T NEED YOUR HELP!"

Dex puts his hand up. "FINE, I'll leave you alone. But, what are you going to do for work? You were fired."

You don't need to remind me.

I shrug. "That's my problem. Not, yours." I pull the thick envelope out of my bag. I throw it at his feet. "You can have that back."

I hear Dex climb into the car. I start walking the rest of the way home. I look behind me and see the car still following me as I walk the two blocks to my house.

At the apartment building I run to the door. I look through my bag. I hear someone approach and while I'm looking for the keys I pull out a can of pepper spray and spray it at the person.

The person screams.

I wince at the sound.

I should have looked to see who was coming after me.

My hands wrap around the keys and I look at the person I sprayed.

Dex is covering his eyes.

I unlock the door to apartment building. I pull Dex in with me. "You'll have to wash your eyes in my apartment."

Dex holds my arm as I lead his up the four flights of stairs to my apartment. I open the door and show Dex to the bathroom.

I leave him in there and walk to the kitchen to wash my hands.

The Billionaire's Baby Agreement (part I and II)Where stories live. Discover now