Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Meow" my cat, potato protested. Yes, his names potato. I named him that because he looks like one. He's a pudgy cat with light brown fur. So he kind of does look like a rotten potato. I stopped singing and turned down my music. "What potato? Are you jealous of my singing skills?" I mocked.
"Meow" he repeated. I giggled. Most of the time I spent while I was home alone was blasting music and singing my lungs out. I loved to sing. But by the way potato complains, I guess I'm not very good at it. I wouldn't know if I was good at it because I've never sang in front of another human being. Either way, I still loved music.

I love to sing and I love to play my guitar and I especially love just listening to music and rocking out like a weirdo. Oh yeah and I write songs sometimes too. Not that I would ever tell anyone that. But that's why I'm kind of glad I'm home alone alot. Because then I can sing and write and play my guitar and not worry about anyone else judging me. I like being alone. Maybe that's why I don't believe in love. Id rather be alone and save myself all the heart break and sadness and complications. Ill wait for that until I'm much older. Until I find someone who's worth it. But right now I'm only fifteen and I'd like to enjoy my childhood instead of having some dumb high school romance that will only end badly. I mean of course I have crushes and all but I try to just brush them off and after a while I forget about them.


It was about five o'clock in the evening when dad got home from work. He's a real estate person so his work hours are never consecutive. He opened my bedroom door and greeted me. "Hey Tabby I'm home" he said, as if I couldn't tell. I looked up from my phone for about half a second to say "hey." Then dad shut the door and went to take a shower. I knew he didn't feel like cooking and neither did I so after dad was out of the shower I convinced him to order a pizza.

When it finally got here I was starving so I paid the pizza guy and snatched the pizza out of his hands. Right after I set the box down on the table, I dug in right away, without even grabbing a plate. The first bite was amazing. The warm cheese and sauce and pepperoni melted into my mouth. I sat down and ate the rest of that piece and two more. While I was shoving the last of my third piece down my throat dad walked in and laughed. "You weren't hungry were you?" I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but laugh with him. He grabbed a plate and got a couple pieces of pizza and walked out into the living room to turn on the tv. I followed him and sat down on the sofa two seats from him. "So when's Toby getting home?" I asked. Toby is my older brother. Now that he's 18 he's always off with his friends. Not that I mind. Like I said, I like the alone time.
"Bout an hour I guess." Dad replied with a mouth full of pizza.
"Hmm." I mumbled. I honestly didn't care if he was home or not. "Better hurry up before I eat all the breadsticks." I joked. Dad just laughed. I grabbed a breadstick and went back up to my room. I slowly ate it while I scrolled through Facebook on my laptop. I almost choked on the bread when I saw something really hilarious.

After a couple hours, okay after six hours, of messing around on the computer, I changed into a black tank top and workout shorts. Of course I wasn't going to exercise, they were just comfortable to sleep in. I hopped up in bed and scrolled through tumblr on my phone until I dosed off.


The next morning I was woken up by dads voice. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time on my phone. 12:07. I hopped out of bed and went to quickly brush my teeth. I walked downstairs to see who dad was talking to. I didn't recognize him at all. After dad noticed my confusion he quickly introduced us.
"Oh Jonathan, this is my daughter Tabitha"
"Tabby" I quickly added. Jonathan smiled at me.
"Very nice to meet you Tabby." He said with a nod. I looked at dad still wanting to know why this stranger was in our house.
"Jonathan and his wife just moved into that house across the road. They have a son who's 16, about your age." He explained.
"Yes. His names Jordan. He'd like you." Jonathan added warmly.

I smiled nicely and started walking back upstairs. A few minutes later I heard the front door close and shortly after, dad came into my room. "Hey" he said. "Jonathan and his family are coming over for dinner later, is that okay."
"Yeah that's cool." I replied. I wasn't usually comfortable with strangers In my house but Jonathan seemed nice so I guess why not give them a chance. Maybe his son and I could be friends. I haven't really hung out with anyone all summer besides my best friend Hannah. She was actually more like a sister than a best friend. But maybe making another friend wouldn't be too bad.


When dad finally got back from the store I had almost forgotten that he had left. I went downstairs to help with the groceries but instead dad handed me a box of store bought cookies. "Honey would you do me a favor and take these down to the Bakers' house?" I looked at the cookies then raised an eyebrow at him.
"The Bakers' are Jonathan and his family" he proceeded.
"Oh ok. Uh sure ill take it over there." I agreed.

I put in my headphones and started walking outside and across the road, which was more of just a dirt path, to the Bakers' house. I saw someone in the back of the moving truck grabbing boxes. As I reached the front lawn, my phone buzzed. I took it out of my pocket and started reading the text
It was from Hannah it said; 'hey girly I was wondering if you wanted-'

My reading was cut off when I felt a body bump into me. Or more like me bump into them. I noticed that I accidentally rammed someone and made them drop the box they were carrying. I took out my headphones and scrambled to pick up the books and CDs that came from the box. I looked up and handed them to the person. I felt my cheeks brighten red. Ugh I was so clumsy sometimes.
"I'm so so sorry I didnt..." I trailed off when I noticed the boy I had bumped into. He was gorgeous. He was about a foot taller than me. He had dark hair that was just down to the middle of his ears. It fell perfectly on his eyebrows. And his eyes. His eyes were were such a pretty blue-green color.
He chuckled. "It's fine don't worry about it." He smiled at me with the cutest smile I'd ever seen.
"No look I'm really sorry. I just came here to give the Bakers' these cookies as like a welcoming thing..." I trailed off again, getting lost in the boy'a beautiful eyes.
He just kept smiling at me as he slowly grabbed the box of cookies.
"Thanks. Um I'm Jordan." He informed me without taking his smile or his eyes off of me.



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