Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"H-hi. I'm uh..I'm Tabby." I stuttered.

"Nice to meet you." He softly said, never taking his eyes off mine.

"Tabby! So nice of you to come by. What's brings you here?" Mr.Baker. asked, snapping both me and Jordan back to reality.

"She uh she brought cookies." Jordan told his father. He looked at me with a half smile.

"So I see you two have met." Mr.Baker said with a huge grin. Then he winked at Jordan. I could see Jordan's face turning red as he looked at the ground.

"Um yeah." I finally said "Well I gotta go. I hope you like the cookies. Again sorry about bumping into you Jordan but it was nice meeting you." Mr.Baker smiled and walked back into the house with the cookies. I started walking towards my house.

"Tabby?" Jordan called after me.

I turned around. "Yeah?"

"See you at dinner." He reminded me. Then left me with his perfect smile once again.


Once I got home, I layed on my bed for who knows how long just staring at the ceiling. I couldn't stop thinking about Jordan. I know what I said about the whole not falling in love thing but this boy was sheer perfection. He was gorgeous just unff I- wait what are you saying Tabby?! I tried to shake the whole thought of him out of my head. I'm sure it was just another senseless crush that would go away soon enough...or not.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the doorbell. I totally forgot about the dinner. I quickly changed into a simple but cute pink floral dress with a black waist belt. I put my blond wavy hair up in a ponytail and slowed down to put on some light makeup. Since I was rushed I just kept it simple with eyeliner, blush, and some lipgloss. I put on my flats and quickly ran down the stairs. Everyone was just then starting to sit down. Everyone was talking but they all stopped when they noticed me. Except for Toby and Jordan who kept blabbering about some video game or something. I greeted Mr. baker and his wife.

"So nice to finally meet you Mrs. Baker."

"Pshh please call me Joana." She suggested.

"That's so cute." I said with a smile "All of your names start with J that's adorable." Maybe I shouldn't have said that but I have a habit of vocalizing the first thing that pops into my head. I thought I sounded stupid, until all the adults started giggling. I smiled and took my seat between dad and Toby.

And of course, Jordan sat in front of me.

Most of the dinner was just the adults making small talk and Jordan and Toby talking about their favorite video games.

"It's so nice to finally have some neighbors out here." Dad said. He said that because we live out behind the mountains. And there's only a couple houses every few miles. It's so nice though. You never hear cars drive by and you never have to worry about "disturbing the peace."

"It's so beautiful out here." Joanna added happily. "All of the trees and grass."

"Yeah there's lake a couple yards from here. I used to take tabby and Toby when they were younger. We don't really have the time nowadays but it's a beautiful spot." Dad told her. Jonathan said something in return but I wasn't really interested. I got distracted looking at Jordan. Man he was adorable. Especially his laugh. His laugh was INSANELY adorable. After everyone was finished eating and talking dad walked everyone out to the living room. Jordan noticed me dragging behind and looked concerned.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah just tired I think I'm gonna go upstairs instead." But before I could turn all the way around, he grabbed my arm. I looked at him in confusion.

"I'm sorry it's just um. I heard the fair was coming to town this weekend. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go with me. I don't really have any friends here yet. But I don't know I just thought since you-"

"Hush" I said with a chuckle "ill go with you" I smiled at Jordan as the redness in his cheeks starts to fade and he smiled back at me. He nodded then went back to the living room. I ran upstairs as fast as I could and closed my bedroom door. I hopped on my bed and grabbed my phone. I dialed Hannah's number and soon she answered.

"Hannah! Good, you answered. Look, I need boy advice."




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