Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Sofia had been here for two days and I'd only seen her a coupe times since that first night. Everytime I did see her she rolled her eyes or gave me a disgusted look. And everytime she did I would kiss Jordan right in front of her or call him a cute name like 'baby' or 'sweetie' just because I knew it pissed her off. It was obvious she had a crush on jordan. He never really brought it up. But I trusted him. I knew he would never do anything to hurt me. Or so I thought.

I just couldn't wait until she was gone. Every time I saw her it took everything I had not to punch her square in her pretty little face. The mere thought of her made me tighten my fist with anger and hatred. Just then my phone rang.

"Hey" I answered.

"Hello beautiful." Jordan replied. I couldn't help but smile at how sweet he was. How did I ever get so lucky. No wonder Sofia was jealous.

"What's up cutie pie." I tried to sound as sweet as him.

"Do you wanna go downtown with me in a little bit darling?"

"Sure hun. What time?" It felt like we were having a cute name war.

"About an hour snookums" I giggled at that last name. Then Jordan giggled with me.

"Ok let me get ready."

"Alright baby. See you soon my beautiful princess." I blushed and smiled from ear to ear and I felt butterflies coming.

"Mwah!" I blew a kiss into the phone.

"Mwwwwaahh!" He replied before hanging up.

I started to hate Sofia a little less. I understood why she wanted him so bad. But her jealousy didnt give her the right to hate me without even knowing me.

I finished the bowl of grapes I had been eating and headed upstairs for a shower. I leaned against the wall as the hot water hit my body. I smiled as the thought of Jordan popped into my head. What did I ever do to deserve him, he was so cute and sweet and kind and perfect in every way. I never believed in fait but Jordan moving here was the best thing that ever happened to me and it seemed so right.

I hopped out of the shower and dried myself off. I put on a striped tank top and jean shorts. I simply put my hair into a ponytail and put on eyeliner and lip balm.

Then I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. I saw dad feeding Potato. He meowed loudly pushing through dads arms to get to the bowl.

"Is it okay if I go downtown with Jordan for a couple hours?" I asked.

"Sure. I like when you hang out with him. You've been nothing but smiling ever since that boy moved here. I guess he's treating my baby right?"

"Yes dad." I smiled.

"Good. I'm glad to see my baby so happy for once." I hugged him and went outside. I walked across the road to Jordan's house and rang the doorbell. Sofia answered the door. Of course. She rolled her eyes at the sight of me. I had had enough of that.

"Look princess. I don't know what your problem is but it's getting old. It's obvious that you like Jordan and that's probably why you hate me but guess what honey? He's MINE. And no matter how many times you roll your eyes or how many looks you give me, that's the way it's gonna stay. Your bitchyness is really getting old and I promise you if you wanna fight dirty, I will fight back way freakin harder. Got it?" I blurted out all at once, clenching my fists.

Her face started turning red and she looked pissed but at the same time she looked like she wanted to cry. She opened her mouth to say something, when Jordan appeared in the room.

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