Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Omg omg boy advice?!" Hannah yelled "omg this is so exciting!! Finally! I thought this day would never come!"

"Look Han, just...this boy moved in across the road and he's really cute and his family came over for dinner and he asked me to the fair and I don't know why but I said yes but you know how I-"

"Okay okay slow down there tiger." Hannah chuckled. "Look I know how you hate love and you think having crushes is so stupid and blah blah blah but you said he's new right? So he probably just wants a friend. I mean it's not like the guy asked you to marry him. Just go to the stinking fair."

"You know what you're right." I admitted.

"Aren't I always." Hannah teased. "Well I have to go so goodnight hun love ya." She said before hanging up.

She was right. I was just overthinking it. It's not like it was a date or anything. He was new and he just needed a friend. And plus maybe if we did become friends, my silly little crush would go away. I decided to calm down and I sighed of relief. I changed into a band t-shirt and pajama shorts and put my headphones in. After about twenty minutes of laying there listening to music, I dosed off.



On Saturday morning I woke up feeling really excited. I had gotten over the fear of going out with Jordan and got really excited about how fun the fair was gonna be. I hopped downstairs and made myself some toast with Nutella. While I was finishing my last piece of toast, Toby came into the kitchen and when he saw me he looked at me with a giant grin from ear to ear.

"What, weirdo?" I asked, sipping my juice.

"Are you excited for your little date today." Toby teased.

"Oh my gosh it's not a date. And who even told you about it?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Dad did. And come on it is too a date. I saw the way you looked at Jordan at dinner the other night." He mocked.

"I have no Idea what your talking about." I lied.

"Ya right I saw how googlie-eyed you were. But it's okay, it's not like he looked at you any differently." He said sticking his tongue at me and making a heart with his hands.

Before I could protest, he walked out of the room. But was it true what he said? Was Jordan really looking at me with 'googlie-eyes'? Now that I think about it, he did start blushing when he asked me to go to the fair. Was it possible that he liked me? Whatever. It didn't matter. We were just friends and that's how it was gonna stay.

I went upstairs to get ready. I took a quick shower and blow dried my hair. I put it up in a ponytail and went to the closet. I knew it was going to be hot so I grabbed some pink faded shorts. Then I paired it with a white and pink striped shirt. And for shoes I grabbed my black Keds. I quickly did my makeup and straightened my hair. Shortly after, the doorbell rang. I opened the door to a smiling Jordan and his dad. Jordan had sort of a skater boy look but it was cute and it worked for him. So did his dark, flippy hair. Maybe this just being friends thing was gonna be harder than I thought.

When Jonathan finally dropped us off, the fair was kinda crowded. Not that I didn't expect that. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. It was 3:12. We planned on staying until they closed at 8:00.



After a couple hours at the fair we had eaten and got cotton candy and played games and went on a couple rides. We were actually having alot of fun as friends. Jordan was really funny and nice to hang out with.

"One more ride?" I asked.

"Sure." Jordan said with his winning smile. "How about the Farris wheel?"

I hesitated. I guess I forgot to mention my fear of heights. Ya I rode the other rides but they were all fast and short.

"Unless you're scared then that's ok." He joked.

"Pfft I'm not scared." I retorted.

"Good" he smiled and dragged me towards the Ferris wheel.

We got on right away and I guess it was pretty fun.

"So um where did you move from?" I asked

"Texas" he answered. "My parents both lived there their whole lives so they thought it was time to..explore"

"So why'd you guys come to California?"

"City of dreams I guess" he shrugged.

"Jordan, California isn't a city, it's a state."

"Oh ya huh." He answered and we both started cracking up. Then we were both giggling uncontrollably. What was happening? I never giggle.

"Wait wait wait." I said concerned.

"What?" Jordan asked still trying to contain his laugh.

"Wait why did we stop moving?!" I looked down in horror at the fair that looked so tiny from the height we were now stuck at.



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