Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The next morning I was awoke by my phone. You'd think that vibrate would be quiet but it really wasnt.

"Ugh what Hannah." I huffed.

"O.M.G!" She wheeled. " I legit need every detail from last night! So ill pick you up, then well go to Starbucks and you can tell me what happened last night while you sip your iced mocha."


"Ill be there In an hour so get ready loser." She demanded as she hung up the phone.

I grumbled as I lazily got out of bed. I went to the bathroom to take a shower to wake myself up. I put on simple black skinny jeans and a band t-shirt. I straightened my hair and kept my makeup simple with eyeliner and lipgloss. I jumped when I heard a horn. I looked out the window to find Hannah's red prius. Her birthday was 9 months before mine so she'd already had her license. On the day of her 16th birthday her mom had given her the prius as a present.

I jumped into the front seat as Hannah smiled at me and drove off. "Ugh ok I can't wait until we get to Starbucks tell me NOW."

I looked at her then smiled really big, remembering last night.

"Ok judging by that smile it must've been something worth me leaving for."

"Ok fine Ill tell you." I sighed, but I was actually really anxious to tell her. " well after you left he sat down and he told me that I was really pretty and he loved hanging out with me and he really liked me."

"Eep! How adorable! Ok ok go on"

"Ok and then as I was trying to tell him that I liked him too, he kissed me again." I said with a huge grin.

Hannah gasped, almost swerving off the road. "OH MY GOSH HE KISSED YOU AGAIN?! ok how was it this time." She continued to interrogate me, her smile as big as mine.

"It was incredible. The whole time I had butterflies-"

"Wait the whole time?" Hannah Interrupted. "How long did you guys kiss?"

"Well I'm not really sure but if my dad hadnt knocked on my door I don't think we would've ever stopped." I explained with joy.

Hannah shrieked. "Oh my gosh! Congrats Tab! That's so cute oh my gosh!" She gasped again. "Now you can go on double dates with me and Ryan!"

Ryan was Hannah's boyfriend. They've been together for about six months and they're completely inseparable. And they're probably just about the cutest couple ever. I looked at Hannah and raised an eyebrow. Pretty soon we both started laughing.

"Oh that's another thing" I remembered. "he asked me to go on another date with him" I announced as happy as ever.

"Yay! When?!"


"Ok we need to go to the mall then and get you a new outfit." She told me, pulling into a front row parking spot at Starbucks.



After a couple hours of shopping, Hannah and I had about fifteen bags all together. We never just bought "an outfit". Especially Hannah, her mom was a lawyer so whenever she saw something that she had even the slightest interest In, she had to buy it.

After about a fifteen minute car ride of endless chit chat, we were at my house. I stepped outside the door and thanked Hannah for our little shopping spree.

"No problem hun. Good luck on your date love ya." She said through the window then blew me a kiss and pulled away. I was so lucky to have a friend like her.

I went Inside and up to my room and threw all the bags on the floor. I decided to text Jordan to see where our date was going to be at. After about five minutes he texted back saying,

'I thought it'd be fun to go to that little lake your dad was talking about. Ill be there to pick you up at 3:00.'

I smiled at the message then I realized that our two hour shopping spree was for nothing. I had about thirty minutes before Jordan would be here so I decided to get ready. Since no one was home I blasted my music. I sang to it as I searched for a bathing suit. I put on a black and blue striped two piece and covered it with cut off shorts and a loose black tank top. I continued to jam to the music as I replaced my regular makeup with waterproof eyeliner and mascara and put my hair in a ponytail. I got a text from Hannah and kept singing as I replied. The high note came and I hit it will all my might.

"Damn" I heard from behind me. I jumped and turned around to find Jordan in my doorway.

"Oh my god you scared the crap out of me!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled "sorry. I didn't think you would hear the doorbell and you left the door unlocked so I just came up."

I put my hand over my chest trying to slow down my heartbeat.

"But wow Tabby." He said in awe.

"What?" I asked, my cheeks turning red.

"I didn't know you could sing."

"I can't really it's just-"

"Are you kidding?" He replied. "You're voice is amazing"

"Thanks" I looked at the ground knowing my face probably looked like a freakin tomato.

"You ready to go?" He asked.

I looked up at him and nodded. I followed him downstairs and out the front door.

"So how to we get to the lake anyway?"

"It's not that far." I explained. "We just walk along the road for about five to ten minutes. There's a little pole sticking out of the road. We just go down from there about a yard."

"Alrighty." He said. "Let's go."

As we started walking, he grabbed my hand. That took me by surprise. His soft fingers interlocked in mine and shot an amazing feeling all through my body. I looked at him and his bright eyes in the sunlight. And in that moment, I never wanted him to let go.

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