Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"There it is" I said pointing to the little pole in the ground "the lake is down there. Man I haven't been down here since.."

"Since what?" Jordan asked.

I hadn't been down there since my mom left. I hadn't seen her in over 6 years.

"I can't remember" I lied.

Jordan smiled at me with his cute little dimples "well then ill have to make this a day to remember."

I smiled back at him and followed him through the trees to the opening where the lake was. He set down his back pack that he'd been carrying under a shady tree. Then he released my hand for the first time that whole walk. I really didn't want him to but he did.

"I brought some snacks and towels in my backpack." He told me.

"Oh ok" I answered.

Jordan was looking all around staring at the trees and the lake a few feet ahead.

"Wow this place really is beautiful." He finally said. Then he looked at me and smirked. "Like you."

I started blushing again. I swear, that boy made me blush and giggle way too often. I took my phone out of my pocket and put it on silent before setting it next to Jordan's stuff. As I looked up I noticed Jordan taking his shirt off. I was drawn back by his incredibly attractive body. I was almost drooling as i looked at his abs.

"Like what you see?" He smirked.

I tried to cover up the warmness rising in my cheeks by returning his promiscuous grin. " I have no idea what you're talking about." I lied.

I took off my converse and socks. Then as I took of my tank top revealing my bathing suit, I noticed Jordan taking his turn at drooling. "Like what you see?" I mocked

"Yes" he said taking me by surprise. This time he was blushing. "Race you to the water." He said playfully.



"You getting hungry." Jordan asked.

I continued swishing the water back and forth as I looked up at him. "Sure."

We got out of the water and grabbed our towels. Jordan grabbed my hand again pushing a smile on my face. He lead me to the tree where our things were and laid a towel down on the grass for us to sit on. We both sat down and leaned against the tree. He let go of my hand to grab his backpack. He pulled out a plastic grocery bag full of snacks.

"You like apple juice?" He asked then handed me a bottle as I nodded.

He pulled out a box of poptarts and motioned it towards me. I shook my head.

"I don't like poptarts." I told him.

He gasped and I laughed. "How could you not like poptarts?!" I shrugged. He rolled his eyes in dissapointment and pulled out a bag of cookies.

"Now please tell me you like cookies." He pleaded.

"Yes I like cookies." I giggled.

I started sipping my apple juice.

"Good. Because if you didn't like cookies you would have to be a nazi or something."

We both started laughing. I was laughing so hard that I spilled my apple juice on my stomach which made us both laugh even harder. Jordan grabbed a napkin still laughing and poured some water on it. We both staring calming down and took deep breathes.

"Well that happened." I said as Jordan started dabbing the napkin on my stomach. We both giggled again. Jordan finished wiping off my stomach and looked up at me me, still recovering from our little laugh attack.

"You're literally crying." He said still laughing.

"I know."

He was still smiling as he wiped the tear of laughter from my face. His hand was still on my cheek and he smiled bigger as he looked into my eyes. "I don't know what it is about you Tabby, but I love it."

I smiled back as Jordan leaned in to kiss me. His lips still cold from the water. Then I felt his tongue which shocked me but I let it happen anyways. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I layed back on the tree. I pulled him as close as I could pressing his mouth on mine. It seemed like everytime I kissed him, it just got more magical. His lips kept caressing mine as I slid down on the soft grass. He pushed my damp hair behind my ear and I ran my fingers through his. The whole time it felt so unreal and perfect. The only reason that he finally pulled back was because our mouths were both starting to get dry.

He looked at me like no one has ever looked at me before.

"Can't get enough can you?" He bit his lip. I just smiled. We both took a drink of water.

"Tabby." He started as he pushed my hair back. "You're perfect."

I looked down as my cheeks turned red. He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up. I stared at every bit of his gorgeous face.

"You're right." I told him. " I can't get enough." I pulled his head back down to mine as I started another perfect kiss.



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