10 - Trouble?

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Roxii's POV:

It was quite funny watching that whole ordeal go down from a distance. I must say, it has to be one of my proudest moments.

I walked off to my first class which was Math.. ugh again... I grabbed my books and walked to the upstairs classroom. My teacher is the biggest bitch, as I have ranted about in the past. I sat down at my desk in class, without the teacher bitching at me.. that's a first. Maybe because I'm actually early today.. wow what a change. I must be a new person.. not!

The bell rang signalling the beginning of class. Mrs Parker addressed the class and began to rant about linear equations or some shit. I didn't really care because I learnt all this shit in like 8th grade. I pretended to listen and take notes but in reality I was daydreaming. Daydreaming about nothing in particular, just life I guess. I started to wonder what life would be like without famous parents. What life would be like if my mother wasn't the Demi Lovato and always secretly on my case about eating habits ect.

My daydreaming session was cut off by the sound of the bell which indicated that Math was over (wooo!) and the next class was starting, which for me was Music! Yay, I guess? I walked from one end of the school, to the other where the music room was. Filled with mini-keyboards, an electric drum kit and about 30 guitars. It was like my heaven in there. I love music... but my parents don't know about that. They don't know me really at all to be honest and I'd rather Demi not be that proud mom who thinks her musical talents have been passed down to her child. Although that is most likely where my abilities and passion for it came from, I refuse to admit that to myself or my mom.

I walked into the classroom and greeted my teacher. She was by far my favorite teacher. I hate school but I actually look forward to the days when I have music as a subject because of the teacher Mrs Morris.

"Good morning Mrs. Morris" I said cheerfully

"Good morning Roxii! We are just practicing for our performances today so go sit at the keyboard and practice!" She replied joyfully. I sat myself down at the large keyboard because I hated the mini ones and Mrs Morriss knew that too. I began to play the song that I was planning to perform my assessment.

I began to hit the chords for Breathe Me by Sia, rehearsing the song all the way through perfectly and emitting all the emotion into the song. It was fair to say that I nailed it that time through. I took off my headphones that were connected to my phone as I saw Mrs Morris trying to talk to me.

"Are you okay, Roxii?" She asked with sympathy.

"Yeah I'm fine.. why?" I asked hesitantly

"Just because you were showing so much emotion into such a deep song" She replied

"Oh..no.. I'm great, I just love this song, it's so beautiful" I said back defending myself.

Our conversation was struck short by the sound of the phone ringing. Mrs Moriss left to go answer the phone and I continued to mess around on the piano.

Mrs Morris returned with a disappointed look on her face.

"You are wanted in the principals office.." She said sadly.

SHIT! I thought to myself. That little brat tattled on me. Oh dear, I'm in for it. My parents are so going to find out about this. I have been in trouble too many times and I have gotten away with Demi and Wilmer not finding out but they are definitely finding out now. There is no escaping this.

"Okay.." I said awkwardly as I got off my stool and walked slowly out the door.

The walk to the office felt like it took years. I was so nervous for some reason. It was just a prank, she needs to chill. That's right it was just a silly little prank, I'll be fine. People do pranks around here all the time. After pep talking to myself, I had a little more confidence to go in there and defend my self.

I opened the door into the waiting are of the office to be greeted by one of the ladies that work at the front desk. The lady at the desk told me that Mr McMillian, the principal was ready to see me and she directed me to his office.

The nerves kicked back in as I placed my hand on the cold metal door handle and pushed down on it getting ready to enter.


That's a chapter!!

It took a while to upload, school went back on Wednesday and it sucked.

You guys won't expect this but I'm on 2 swim teams, the school swim team and my club school team and I have 4 MAJOR competitions coming up soon so I have been training like crazy to prepare so i can compete at my very best. So sorry if uploads won't be as good as they were when I tarted this story :/

Thanks for all of you who continue to read this story and those who are always voting <3 ILY

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