17 - Counseling?

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Roxii's POV:

Once we got home from the doctor's office, I went straight to the fridge for a can of diet pepsi to curb my appetite. It has been my go-to when I'm hungry because it fills me up.

"I got an email today from your head of year today" Demi said.

"Oh really? What did he say?" I questioned.

"He just wanted to make your you were okay after your fainting incident." Demi replied, not sounding finished.

"Oh okay that's nice of him I guess" I replied, not seeming to phased as I hate his guts.

"And..." Demi dragged on. OF course there was more. What else does that dumb ass teacher want?! "...He told me that you first session with Kati the school counselor is tomorrow." She finished.

Fuck me, I forgot about that stupid counselling thing I had to go to all because of that stupid prank.

"Oh okay, thank mom!" I tried to sound cheerful whilst making my way towards the stairs.

"I want you to really talk to her, be honest!" She sounded calm.

"Mom! don't pull that shrink stuff on me! I'm fine." I tried to convince.

"Well if you aren't going to talk to me, you will talk to her" her anger began to rise. Holy shit, her suspicions are rising. Someone pinch me, I hope I am dreaming. Nope. Not a dream? Fuck!

"I'm not crazy mom!" I stormed off upstairs.

"I never said you were darling!" She calmly yelled as I left her with the thuds of my feet running up the stairs. 

Demi's POV: 

 "I never said you were darling!" I calmly assured her as she replied with the thuds of her feet running up the stairs and the front door clicking closed.

Wilmer walked through the hallway and instantly greeted me with a strong embrace and loving peck on the lips.

"Hey baby!" I squealed in happiness

"Hey nena" he kissed me again.

"Whats up baby, you seem tensed?" He asked. Damn that man knows me well.

"No I'm okay, promise." I replied. I didn't want him to worry.

He clutched my hand and walked me towards the sofa and sat down, placing me on his lap facing him, legs either side of his body. 

"What's really wrong hermosa?" He questioned again, this time gently pecking my forehead. 

"It's Roxii." I said sadly.

"What's wrong?" Wilmer asked.

"I think she might have an eating disorder." I sad quietly, putting my head into his shoulder and letting out a small set of tears. He rubbed circles in my back until I had calmed down a bit before lifting my face and reassuring me.

"You are a great mother Dems, don't forget that ever. Don't underestimate yourself, you are amazing. I love you so so much and I am sure Roxii will be okay. We'll all be okay. Don't blame this on yourself hermosa." He said with such love and calmness in his voice. 

"I love you" I replied.

"I love you more" Wilmer said back.


Roxii's POV: (Next day)

I walked into the school dreading the day. Today was a four period day with my least favorite lessons of all in the one day, except music. Period one: Music, Period two: english, Period three: chemistry and period four: history. Yay to my luck I have the horrible subject, and bloody counselling to top it all off - and of course the head of year had to make my appointment with Kati DURING music - one of only two subjects I actually like that this dumb school!

The bell rang which told everyone to go to period one for the day and I made the long and shameful walk to the counselors office. Literally this room is in the most non-secretive area in the school so it feels so embarrassing to even walk towards that area, because nobody goes down this way of the school unless they need to see Kati. So it's like, once you go down that way, everyone knows you are fucked up in the head. Except me, I'm not fucked up in the head. Now way! I refuse to be like my mother. I don't want some lady telling me I am a fuck up. 

I reach the door to her office which is clearly labelled "School counselor" on the front. I hesitate knocking on the door for a while but as I go to knock on the door, I realize I am too late to do so because she has seen me through the window and was already on the other side of the door to open it and greet me. 

"Hi Roxanne!" She said is a cheerful voice. "Do you mind taking off your shoes, it makes people feel more comfortable in here?" She continued. I found that a bit weird. Do all shrinks do that? It's gross.

I slightly nodded my head before kicking off my black converse and perfectly placing them aligned in the corner of the office. 

"Take a seat Roxii and we'll get started" She instructed me again with a smile on her face.


HAHAHA cliffhanger- ish!

You'll have to wait until the next chapter to see what they talk about in there.

Also! Thank-you so much for 2k+ reads on this book! Before i took my little not planned break, I was just over 1k reads and now I'm over 2!!! crazy!! thank you <3

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