12 - Why baby girl?

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"Why?" Demi said softy.

Why? That was the question. The question I had the answer for. The answer she won't be getting. She can't know. There are actually a lot of things that I cannot tell my mom just because she'll send me to an institution.

If I told her why I decided to take revenge on Bree in the forms of a prank, I would have to tell her that I have been bullied by Bree and her friends. I would have to tell her that because of the bullying, I have no friends and everyone hates me. She would then handle me like a baby and try to protect me from all the bad things in the world. Telling her things would mean that her and I would get close and I can't afford to have people get close to me because they either leave or judge me. For example, if mom and I got close, she would start noticing my behaviors. I would eventually have to fess up and tell her that I'm depressed, barely eat and self harm. She doesn't know any of this and getting close will only disadvantage both of us.

"Roxii?" She said softly, snapping me out of my internal tangent.

"Uh.. yeah?" I replied with a confused tone.

She scooted closer to me, wrapping her arms around my waist and waiting for me to press my head into her chest to cuddle. I really needed a hug actually. Everything had been so horrible in this world. But I couldn't let her know that. I would take the cuddle and not show any emotions. That's it! I'll hug her and she'll think of it as a gesture of love but really it's just to get me through the next few days. After all she is leaving in just under a month for tour and I won't be able to have these moments.

"Are you alright baby girl? You space out a lot more now." She softly asked.

As she said that I pushed my head further into her chest. "Yeah I'm fine mom, just thinking" I replied matching her soft tone.

"What's going on in you beautiful mind?" She asked, squeezing me tighter.

"Just thinking about stuff, nothing too major" I said, blocking her attempts in getting too close.

We stayed in that position for about 10 minutes before she released from the cuddle and sat up normally. I was startled by her sudden movement and sat up too just like her, but with a slight slouch.

"So are you going to tell me the real reason why you pranked Bree?" Sh asked concerned.

"Uhh, I already told you.. Because I thought it would be funny.." I said uninsured.

"I think you are missing something out.." She trailed. "Your principal said that this incident was not the first time you have been in his office regarding troubles with Bree and her friends." She finished.

Shit, I'm going to have to fess up, aren't I? I thought to myself.

"Her and I just don't get along, it's nothing to worry about, okay?" I assured her, trying not to be suspicious.

She took my decoy. "Okay, honey.." She said "You'd tell me if you were getting bullied wouldn't you?" She continued.

"Of course mom, 100%" I assure her again.

"Okay baby girl. I love you" Mom replied, cuddling back into me.

Dad called us to lunch 5 minutes later where we sat at the table and spoke whilst I played with my pumpkin soup, occasionally taking minuscule slurps.

"Roxii, darling.." Dad started in a soft tone

"yes daddy?" I asked, in sweet tone. I thought he was going to mention how I have not eaten much and he had almost finished. He cleared his throat before adjusting his posture. I knew things were getting serious now.

"Because of today's incident, I and your mother are not allowing you to go to Sydney for Australia day" He said in a slightly sterner tone. I was upset for sure. Upset was an understatement, I was distraught. I'd never been to Australia besides when I was born and I just wanted to see it for myself. Hell! My mom had been to Australia to tour before I could even see my home country for myself. It's not fair. But obviously, I wouldn't let them know, they can't see my true emotions.

I cleared my throat after being choked up for a bit. "That's okay, I understand." I said calmly, but sadly and got up from my seat put my soup bowel which was barely touched on the counter and walked upstairs to my room, locking the door behind me.

Demi's POV:

Roxii left the table halfway through lunch because Wilmer had broken the news to her that she was not going to Australia because of her poor behavior. I knew what she was doing. She tried to put up a strong front, but underneath she must have been so upset that she couldn't go. I feel bad for her because she hasn't been to her home country since being born and I have been there for tour.

I continued to eat my soup while sitting at the table with Wil in silence.

"I've got to go back to WVE (wilmer valderrama enterprises) now honey" he state breaking the silence.

I nodded, approaching him silently and engulfing myself in his arms. "I'll see you soon" I said as I pecked him on the lips, our way of saying good bye.

I walked upstairs and passed Roxii's bedroom, noting that I could hear quiet sniffles and little cries. I stopped at her door and just stood there, deciding if I should go in. Wilmer walked up the stairs to get his phone, wallet and keys and saw me standing at Roxii's door debating with myself whether to go in or not.

He looked at me confused and I gave him a sad look, kid of like a pout. He signaled me to come closer to him and give him another hug.

"What's wrong Nena?" he asked sympathetically.

"Rox is crying in her room and I don't know whether to go in or not" I said heart broken that my baby was hurting.

"I'm not going to tel you what to do but I think you should leave her be, she'll be fine, she's just upset she cannot go" He said assuredly. I agreed with him. Giving him another quick peck and sending him back off to work.

She'll be okay.


Is Demi doing the right thing? Find out in the next chapter!!

Also I had a look at where ya'll are from and it said that 45% of you are from the United States and 10% of you are from Australia which I guess is pretty cool. It's weird though because I have only shared this book on twitter and most of my twitter followers are from Australia, then the UK and then the United States. Weird right? IDK I'm ranting now.

Bye !!!!


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