11 - Trouble part 2

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The nerves kicked back in as I placed my hand on the cold metal door handle and pushed down on it getting ready to enter.

I pushed the door open slowly and slightly and I was shocked to see who was in the room. The Principal, Mr McMillian was there as to be expected, the school counselor Kati was there... ew why would she be here? I thought to myself. My head of grade Mr Khan who was the scariest person I knew. And worst of all, my parents.. Demi and Wilmer were here.

I lowered my head in shame at the sight of my parents. I didn't want them to think of me in a bad way. They thought that I was a goody-two-shoes at school because that's what my grades had told them.

"Take a seat Roxanne" Mr McMillian said sternly. There was only one open seat and on the right hand side of Demi. Next to Demi, on her left hand side was my dad, Wilmer. Mr McMillian was seated across the desk from us in an interview format and just off to his side was Mr Khan.

I took a seat next to my mom and shuddered as you looked at me and sighed.

"Do you know why you are here?" Mr Khan asked.

"Because my grades are exceptional and I should graduate 2 years early?" I questioned sarcastically.

"No." Mr Khan said sternly.

"You are here because of the prank you pulled on Bree McKay before first period today" Mr McMillian added in a serious tone.

I put my head down, not in shame but because I really didn't want to talk about it with my parents around because they would hate me.

"Care to explain?" He continued

"What is there to explain?" I asked quietly.

"A lot actually. This type of behavior is not accepted in this school" Mr McMillian replied with his serious tone still in tact.

"It was just a prank, for a bit of fun" I admitted "She needs to loosen up a bit, it was just a joke" I continued, defending myself.

"You see, Bree didn't take it as a funny joke, she was really hurt by your actions" The principal said.

"Rox, You of all people should know that these type of actions are what make people suffer with serious things like I did" Demi said in a small and quiet tone. Jesus Christ I hated when she alwasy had to bring up her past.

"Not now mom" I said still with my head lowered.

We sat in the small office for a while longer as I refused to answer their mountains of questions about why I decided to prank Bree and what my motive was behind it. I didn't want to tell them, because if I did, Demi and Wilmer would have to find out about the bullying at school and then they would send me to therapy so it doesn't evolve in to something worse. But I guess it's too late now. After years of people calling me fat, I now believe it and I can't love myself. I hate myself now. But that's beside the point. The point is, that even though Bree has been the biggest bitch to me ever since the 4th grade, and I have kept quite and with me doing that, she has never gotten in trouble. I have so much evidence that could get her expelled but I choose to keep quite. She owes me big time because I'm gonna get in trouble for this one little prank.

"We have come to a conclusion, Roxanne." Mr Khan said in a flat tone, obviously disappointed in my actions today.

"You will be suspended for the rest of the day.. so Mr and Mrs Valderrama, you can take her home." Mr McMillian continued on using his principal authority.

"You are also required to attend counselling with Dr Kati Parkins, our school counselor to make sure this does not continue." Mr McMillian finished. I slouched back in my chair and loudly sighed bringing everyone's attention to me. This is exactly what I didn't want. I didn't want people fussing over me and trying to dig into my past, I didn't want people finding out about my struggles or trying to find out the deeper me other than what I put on as my image. I looked over to Kati, the young, blonde lady smiled at me . I just looked down in anointment.

"You are free to take Roxanne home now, Mr and Mrs Valderrama" Mr McMillian smiled at them.

"Thank-you sir" Dad said smiling at the principal

"No thank-you both for taking the time out of work to deal with this issue" The principal reassured.

We left the school grounds and hopped in the car. Mom and Dad were in the front seats and I was in the back, picking at my cuticles nervously. The car was dead silent and there was tension in the air. So much that you could cut it with a knife.

The car ride home remained silent. Not even Demi or Wilmer were speaking to each other. They were just sitting there holding hands over the middle console of the car between their two seats. I must have disappointed them so much. Especially Demi so much because she knows I know that she is an anti-bullying advocate. Even though I didn't bully Bree, it was the other way around.

We walked in the front door as a silent family. I dropped my bag at the front door with my shoes before heading deeper into out huge house. I quietly made my way upstairs but obviously Demi was watching me because she stopped me before I could even get more than 3 steps up the stairs.

"Roxanne, come back here. We are going to talk about this" She said in a motherly tone that was not too stern but not overly sympathetic.

Fuck I thought to myself. Not now. I'm not saying anything she can deal with it.

She patted a seat next to her on the sofa, signalling me to sit next to her. I slowly made my way to the sofa and carefully sat down on the it and bringing my legs up onto the sofa and crossing them, still playing with my cuticles nervously.

"Why?" she said softy.


Here we go, another chapter for ya'll. This one is pretty long compared to my more recent ones. I just got really into the story for a bit there.

I'll update again soon.

Thanks to everyone fore reading.


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