18 - Counseling.

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Roxii's POV:

"Take a seat Roxii and we'll get started" She instructed me again with a smile on her face.

Okay she isn't that bad. At least she smiles. 

She comes over to the sofa that I am sitting on and offers me a glass of water which I kindly decline before she sits in her chair opposite me with clipboard in hand.

"Don't try this shrink stuff on me, I'm not crazy." I said bluntly trying to get that message out in the space.

"I know you aren't crazy. I guess I'm just curious into why you think I'm going to pull 'shrink stuff' on you?" She asked calmly.

I shrugged my shoulders. Mainly because I didn't know why I thought that but also because I couldn't be asked to actually figure out an intelligent answer.

"Okay so anyways, my name is Kati and I am the counselor here at school. I just need to tell you a few things before we start today. I'll try be as quick as possible. Anything you say in here is 100 percent confidential unless I think you are at high risk of hurting yourself or others or are being hurt by someone else - then I will have to involve someone else. Do you understand that Roxii? She asked.

I nod again.

"So basically I just want to get to know you... what do you like to do? She asked.

"Um.. Uh.. I like to play-y piano.. and uh... act i guess. I don't know" I said unsure.

"It's okay to be nervous, just try and talk to me like your friends" she said trying to sound comforting.

Friends HAH! what friends? i don't have friends! what a joke that is. friends. pfft. 

"Is everything okay?" She asked. shit my eyes glazed over at the thought of having no friends. wow.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said hesitantly. There was silence.

"Can you find another word for 'fine'?" She questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders. what was she trying to do?

"Good." I replied bluntly.

She sighed. "Good isn't an emotion you know?"

I was silent. "I know miss" I said quietly.

This was more awkward than I thought, I just want to get out of here. I looked up at the clock, shit 55 minutes to go still!

"So who do you live with?" She asked, still persistant on this 'get to know you' stuff"

"Uh-h, my mom and dad... that's all" I replied.

"What are they like?" She continued. 

"Well mom is good, always away for work. She is a singer, always on tour or doing press. And dad, he's the same. But around more." I said trying to string together my thoughts. 

"What's that like for you?" She asked, using her shrink voice.

"It's okay I guess" I said bluntly.

"What's okay for you? She asked, still with persistance. 

"I don't know, I manage, we manage." I didn't know what she was trying to get at.

"Okay, what about your friends?" She said calmly.

"I'm a lone wolf" I opened up more.

"What does that mean? She asked, intrigued.

"I prefer to be alone, stay out of the drama of friends." I explained.

"Oh okay." She sighed. "You know it's good to have friends, have someone to talk to, relate to and let our emotions out to. Do you have anyone that you can do that with?" She asked. I started to feel weird, this was weird.

"I don't know, not really, i guess." I put my head down.

We spoke about other things like what type of music I like, what I wanted to do when i graduated, family life and before I knew it the session was up. It ACTUALLY went pretty quickly. 

"I'd like to see you next week if that is okay." Kati stated.

"Uh-h yeah sure" I said putting on my shoes. "Just not first period, I have music - it's my favorite!" I said. 

"I'm free period two, next week. I'll see you then!" She cheered. 

I started to walk out the door but before I could exit she said

"Also Rox, if anytime you are having trouble at school or are over-whelmed, come into my office and we can chat. I don't mind." She said.

"What if you're busy?" I asked confused.

"nine times out of ten, I'm not - don't worry! and anyways, I'm liking you Roxanne" she said in a friendly tone.

"See you next week then miss!" I stormed out of the room. I let her in way to much, time to pull on the ropes a bit, i don't want her leaving like everyone else does.


There we go guys! She had her first therapy/counseling thing. 

Fun Fact! that's also how mine kind of played along when I went to my first one.

Thanks guys for reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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