5 - Bree

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Roxii's POV

I hopped out of Holly's car, not ready for another day of school. I was dreading the idea of school today, I just hoped that Amber, Tori and Bree would all be sick or something.

"Bye Holly!" I cheered
"See you love! Demi will pick you up after school" she cheered, matching my tone.

As I walked through the halls to my locker, I felt pretty confident. I loved my new hair do and I was hoping others noticed the difference too.

I got to my locker, prepping myself for the hard task of opening my locker. I swear to god the teachers gave me the hardest padlock at the beginning of the year just to piss me off.

"08-09-19" i muttered to myself whilst punching in the numbers to the padlock.

"Fucking finally" i muttered to myself again after unlocking my locker for the first time on the first try all year. I reached for my books on the top shelf when Bree approached me. Her little posey were metres behind her, snickering. I clenched my eyes shut waiting for her to punch or hit me, but she didn't. She lightly played with the ends of my hair noticing the cornrows I had in.

"Nice hair-do Lovato." She said all sweetly. I was shocked

"..um..uh, thanks I guess" I mumbled.

"I really love the way you look like your mother when she was on the Neon Lights Tour" she said again in her sweet pitch. There must be something up, she has never been this nice to me.. EVER! Is she on drugs?

I kept silent, I didn't want to aggravate her and make her hit me.

As soon as she finished "complementing" me about my resemblance to my mom, she snapped.

"Fat and Ugly!" She continued

Okay I knew my senses were correct. This isn't good.

She reached into her backpack and pulled out a brown paper bag with things inside it.

"So you want to be like your whore of a mother hey!" She shoved the bag into my chest. 

"This might help" She continued.

I peeked inside the bag to see the contents of it. Blades, a bottle of pills... And condoms? Why the fuck would I need condoms? Bree saw me looking at the condoms with a confused face.

"You'll need those. You don't want to make the same mistake your mother did over 15 years ago" she snapped.

Wow jeez thanks Bree. I think she needs them more than I do with the amount of dick she has up her ass a week.

I chucked the brow paper bag with it's contents in my backpack and locked me locker. Fuck, school hasn't even started yet and I am already having a shitty day. Bree and her gang walked off snickering and I pushed myself towards the locker and slid down it feeling frustrated. Bree was going to get it one day.

Thanks guys for reading!!
Sorry for such a short filler chapter but I have done 2 or 3 big chapters in a row. I wasn't even going to update because I was in such a shit mood but I decided to anyways. So there you go my lovelies.

Follow me on twitter for updates: @jazvato


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