~Chapter 1: Too complicated...~

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"Guys, since you were first to know bout this group, you'll be the admins of this new group we made.", John Carlo, a son of Poseidon, said.

"Yeah, sure. Why not? I mean, this would be fun!", i replied.

Btw, i'm Jean Jessa Cameron, daughter of Athena. I'm 13. Yes, i'm too young to be too addicted to books like this. I've been in this fandom since September, that's when i first read 'The Mark of Athena". We do roleplaying of sorts in groups online. I've started being a demigod at the group 'Camp Olympia'. Now, John Carlo Castil Villanueva made a new group. It's called 'Demigods University'. Based from it's name, it's a school for demigods (both greek and roman). Kakai, Jolina, Princess, John, including me. We were the first to know this group. And we tell everyone about it so that they'll be able to join. That's the reason why John thinks it's a good idea to make us the admins of the group. We contributed so much to it. Over the last few days, a lot of people from the fandom and new to the fandom kept joining our group. It was a success and i'm so proud of it. Haha.

"How many are we? Five? Carlo, we need, like, one admin for each class. And we have, what? 8 classes? We'll need three more.", Jolina, a daughter of Poseidon, said. Basically, she's right. And we are in dire need of more admins especially since this is a school for both greek and romans. It would be a lot of work.

"Yeah. Yeah. I know. And i already fixed that.", he said. He added 3 more persons into the GC and we waited. "Guys, meet Rakshita, daughter of Apollo and Mary, daughter of Athena and Julius, son of Zeus.", he said. Emmanuel Julius Ombao is a distant friend of mine. He sort of calls me his older sister when, in fact, he's older than me. Mary Rose Valde is one of my wisblings. She's also a spawn of Wisdom. Rakshita? I didn't know her, yet.

"Great. Now, you got me amazed, Carlo.", Jolina said. I looked at the screen of my phone, frowning. Julius is sort of a real warfreak. He always fights with anyone who stood in his way. He's sort of spoiled. Especially since he's a son of Zeus. You're thinking maybe he really is a son of Ares rather than a son of Zeus. But, trust me, that's what the test says. Though i don't trust that test that much because the last time i took the test, the result was Athena but when i refreshed the page, the result became Aphrodite. Weird, right? Yeah, i know.

"I'm surprised that you were actually prepared, Carlo.", Kakai, another daughter of Poseidon, said. These three, Jols and Carlo and Kakai, are friends irl. So yeah. Princess and i are just observing in the background.

"Hey, guys. Uhm, nice to meet you?", Mary said. I decided that i should reply.

"HIIII, MARY! JESSA THIS~ Sistah! How're you?", i replied. Yeah, i'm so childish. Haha.



"LIFE IS SO WONDERFUL. ANOTHER SISTER!", Princess said, joining in the fun. How childish right? You ain't seen nothing yet, people. Haha.

~•°[one week later]°•~

"Bye, Jessa!", my brother, Tyler Ren Scott, said as i walked away from them on my way home. You might be saying that it's weird that he's my brother but we have different surnames, but we're not real siblings. We treat each other as siblings cause we've been friends since 4th grade.

When i got home, i opened my phone and accessed the WiFi. I was scrolling through the wall of the group but then i got bored. I put my phone down and got up to get something to eat. I sat back down again on the sofa. While chewing on my peanut butter sandwich, my phone buzzed and rang indicating that i got a new notification. I quickly picked my phone up and looked at the screen. It was a new post on the group. We've asked every newbie to introduce themselves as soon as their request be approven. So, this is basically just another newbie, introducing theirself to the other group members. I opened it.

"Hey, guys! Newbie here! I'm a vampire son of Poseidon, descendant of Apollo. Hope to befriend y'all!"- the post said. It was from Jake Paolo Beccom.

Whaat? A vampire? Dude, i'm an Angel. Who invited vampires in the school?! But then again, i guess he's allowed to be here cause he's also a demigod. *sighs* It's also our duties to welcome them, give them a tour and stuffs like making them choose their sections and dorm. I typed these words down on the comment box, "Hi! Welcome to the university! I'm an Angel, daughter of Athena and Apprentice of Hecate. Please pick out your dorm, put your name on the list and then pick your section. Thank you!", then i clicked 'done'. Then, i ignored the following comments.

That night, after re-reading the book, "The House of Hades", i finally decided to go to sleep. I closed the lights, got into bed, closed my eyes and let myself drift into unconsciousness.

The next day, after Tyler walked me home, i saw a post from the same guy. It said, "Can an admin please give me a tour? Pleaseee?". I looked at the GC of the admins, but the others weren't on yet. I had to do it. Urgh. *sighs* I dunno why but i don't like being around this guy. He just... He screamed 'TROUBLE'. But, the sacrifices i do for this fandom are way beyond me, and so i will do it. I took a deep breathe and commented, "I can."

And, trust me, i didn't know that my one little comment on his stupid post will change my life and affect it for a lifetime to pass. The fudge.


A/N: Waaaah! Haha. I'm sorry but it's just that i'm imagining this happening and my stomach's turning. Haha. Kidding! Next chapter: "The Epic Tour".

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