~Chapter 8: Too Sweet?~

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~if you see this sign "~•~•~•~", it means the character is having a dream~

"Here.", a guy offered to me and i gladly accepted it without looking at the guy.

I don't know. A part of me knew that i can trust him. I bit down on the strawberry. The guy flopped down next to me.

We were at the beach. And the sun is just setting.. And it looks so beautiful! We were the only ones here since this is a secluded part of the beach that he knew.

Something told me that he loves exploring the sea and the seashores all the time.

I turned my head to look at him. He had a faraway look on his face.. What bothered me was that he.. When i stared at him, i felt like i should know who he is.. But i couldn't grasp the thought. I never forget a face..

He has really cute eyes, and i love the way that he smiles as he watched the sun, intently.

And he turned to me. I gasped. He's just so handsome.. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me before planting a kiss on my forehead.

Such a sweet guy.. Sweet.. Jake?
I opened my eyes and thought of that dream that i had. And tried to know who that guy is. But the more i try to recall the dream, the more it seems as though it is getting blurier than the last.

That was a really good dream though.. But why did i thought of Jake?

Because you like him, stupid.

Suddenly, thoughts of what happened last night flashed in my mind. My confession to Princess and to myself..

I like Jake.. Jake.. Ohmygod.. Of all the guys i could like.. I like Jake Paolo Beccom..

You might say, i'm overreacting. Don't blame me. But everytime i ended up liking someone, i fall for them... And i fall too hard...

I turned in my bed and looked at the clock. 2:25 am. I groaned. Urgh. I rubbed my face with my hands. Sleep, Jean, sleep! There's no reason to stay up!

Except to overthink.. Think of all those times you and Jake talked and how sweet he was. Oh how dreamy! Why can't the guys close to me, be that way? Think of all the times you roleplayed and stayed up late together. He's such an amazing gu--

Oh shut it! Don't think of Jake!

Might as well just read and not let myself get distracted by him. I opened wattpad and came upon the story "Once Upon A Kiss". I loooove this story! It is just so childish and has an exciting plot. Haha.

I put on my glasses and ended up engrossed in the story. And i forgot all about Jake for awhile..

I stretched, placing my phone on the bedside table and staring ahead at my window.. Where strips of light have already shown through because it's 6:32 am. I yawned. God! Now, sleep came to me?! Why so unfair, Hypnos?!

I settled into bed. But before i could drift off to sleep, Renz (my brother) burst into my room, blasting loud music and dancing and singing along.

I threw a pillow at him because i knew that my drowsiness just left me. Ugh! No sleep >.<

"Hahaha. Good morning, little Jean! Get up! I made breakfast!", he said, sounding proud of himself. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh gosh! Please tell me you didn't burn the kitchen to ashes!", i said, faking fear. He glared at me, his mood dampening. I laughed and stood up and ran down the stairs to join the rest of my brothers.

FINE. Imma tell you how many brothers i have. Tyler Ren (Ren), Lawrence Rein (Renz), Jan Matthew (Matt), Thomas Ace (Tom), John Bryan (John), Brune Reign (Brix). Six! Six annoying brothers! >-<

John shoved a plate full of pancakes into my hands. Tom draped maple syrup on top and butter.

"And, don't forget: our sister's favorite ingredient.", Matt said and sprinkled sugar unto my pancakes.

"Mmm.. Yummy.. Thanks, guys!", i said, sat on the couch and munched on my food. They're always that overprotective.. They're really sweet at times.

Sweet.. Jake.. Ohmygod. I totally thought that thoughts of him finally left my mind. Guess they did not. Aish!

My phone buzzed and i put the empty plate down to check. It was Princess! She still hasn't asked Jake "the question" because she had curfews and he wasn't on early. I frowned. Not that i was expecting anything and even if she was able to ask him, what if he says no?

Later on, Jake messaged me and we talked for awhile before he asked one question that made me panic.

"Jean, do you like me?", he said. I froze. I didn't know what i should tell him. Should i tell him the truth? But what if this is just mere infatuations? Also what if because of me, telling him the truth, he stays away from me like what happened in my past? I didn't want that to happen.. I panicked and messaged Princess.

"I need help!", i typed and sent. She asked me what is it and i told her Jake's question.

"Oh no! What did you do?", she asked.

"I didn't do anything! I don't know what to tell him!", i said.

"Ohmygod. But you put him on seen?", she asked. Before i could reply, Jake once again messaged me.

"Uhm?", he said.

"Yes, i put him in seen. What do i say?", i asked Princess.

"Just tell him the truth!", she said. I sighed. Easier said than done...

I typed in a message to Jake. "I don't really know? I'm still broken i'm still not sure as to how i feel right now..", i said.

"Uhm, okay. Me too.", he said. I exhaled. Glad that's over. I didn't ask him if he likes me. That's just absurd. I wonder what made him ask me that. I said my goodbyes and so did he. I laid in bed, hands over my chest- the part where my heart was for it was beating so loudly- and staring at the ceiling.

Should i have told him the truth? Would it have made any difference?

I fell asleep with that thought in my head..


A/N: New characters! Haha. Anyway that's it for Chapter 8! Filler, i know! Haha. But that last part... Totally a twist of events for this chappie. Bye!

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