~Chapter 5: What's happening?~

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A/N: This chapter is boring, i swear. I'm sorry, i have writer's block. You can choose not to read this cause the things in here ain't that important. I just had to do something to let the time here pass. Haha. That's all, thank you.

The moment i woke up, i felt exhausted. Even though, the year is just basically starting and it's not like it's done anything wrong to me so far. I don't know why i feel exhausted. Something tells me, i'll be extremely exhausted all year round. Maybe because the school year is ending and pressure is building up and maybe it's also because by June, another school year will start. Yeah. Welp.

Unlike other teenagers, i don't check my twitter or facebook account the moment i wake up. I don't even know where i put my phone. *shrugs* Welp, i'll search for it later.

I got out of bed and walked like a zombie to the bathroom. It's my everyday routine, dude xD I splashed cold water unto my face and brushed my teeth. After doing so, i stared at my reflection on the mirror. *sighs* I walked back to my bed and sat on it. I looked around me and searched my room. The walls are painted with the color purple, and the floor was filled with white tiles. My dark violet rug decorated the floor. My bed lay at the middle of the room with it's wooden foundation and soft mattress. The room was filled with stuffs whose colors vary from the lightest to the darkest shade of violet. I scanned the whole room for my phone. Yes, this is how i search for things. There! Phone spotted! I stood up and walked to my dresser. I picked up my phone, opened it and logged unto facebook. I scanned my notifications for comments or tagged posts. My aunt uploaded our pictures from awhile ago and i clicked 'like'. It's not my hobby to comment a lot on other people's posts, unless i'm required to do so or i'm talking to someone.

I laid down on my bed and scanned through FB. I saw people fighting and calmed them down. Yeah, i am sort of the kind of admin that discourages fights. It's annoying and it will cause big troubles. And i don't like that. I narrowed my eyes at the screen. It's Julius. He's fighting with someone. Seriously? That warfreak admin, fighting with everybody who doesn't follow him (Julius, haha. If you're reading, i'm sorry xD DON'T COMMENT.)

"Jean! Come down here and eat breakfast!", my Mom shouted from downstairs. I sighed and sat up.

"Wait!", i shouted back. I put my phone down and opened my drawer. I sorted through it looking for my earphones. I couldn't find it. Oh, great.

"Jean! Come down!", my Mom shouted once again.

"Just a second, Mom!", i shouted back. I got up and walked to the dresser, rummaging through things. Got it! Finally! I smiled. I took my phone and plugged the earphones in it.

"Jean Jessa Cameron! Down now!", Mom shouted again. Uh-oh. When she says my whole name, it means 'i'm in trouble'. I sighed loudly. I put on my earphones, played the song 'What the hell by Avril Lavigne' and slid my phone inside my pocket. The volume was on that level where i can hear the lyrics well and i can hear it when people talk to me. I opened the door, and there stood my little sister, her hands poised to knock.

"Ate, Mommy said you should go down now or you won't be allowed to eat for the whole day.", she murmured. I looked back inside my room. My eyes directly glued to my dresser. There are chocolates hidden underneath clothes in there. I could just stay in my room and not eat breakfast. But then again, i don't feel like being a rebel for awhile. I nodded at her. She ran down the steps. I locked the door and slid the key inside the pocket where my phone was. I ran down the steps as well. I was met with the scorching stare of my mother. Makes me feel like i'm staring at the sun, it's burning me. Haha. Yeah, i always exaggerate things xD I walked to the table, took a loaf of bread and munched on it.

"2015, i asked you to be nice to me. Guess, you're not a fan of kindness, too. Just... Don't be like the past few years, i would rather die than go through all that again. Agre with me? Thank you.", i thought. I walked to the kitchen, took out a small plate and laid the bread down on it. I took a cup, filled it up with hot water and made coffee with a lot of sugar. I set the cup and the plate down on the table and sat down on a chair. And that made up my breakfast.

"All my life i've been good but now, i don't really care about..", Avril Lavinge sang and i sang with her in my head. This is what i do every morning. Just listen to my favorite songs to help cheer up my mood.

"La la la la la la la la la la la la la la...", the song ended and i was finally smiling. I took my earphones off and took out my phone. I unplugged the earphones from my phone and slid my phone back into my pocket. I sighed and stuff them in my other pocket. I drank the coffee down to the last drop and took the cup and the plate down by the sink. I sat down on the chair again and waited. I don't even know what i was waiting for. Commands? Time to pass? Something interesting to happen? I don't know really. All i know is it's gonna be a very long day. The Christmas vacation will be over later. We have classes tomorrow. And be back by January 5 again. I don't even know why they still had to make us go to school tomorrow. But then again, those devils (codename for teachers) never wanted us to leave hell (codename for school) anyway. Hmph.
A/N: To those people who read til here, boring right? What'd i tell you? Tsk tsk. Haha. Next chapter's date would be in Janury 4, 2015? I don't know. Haha.

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