~Chapter 10: Nervous Augustus~

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(January 20)

I was ecstatic when in the middle of my Health Class, i got a text from my Grandma saying that the current supply is back at home. Throughout that class and the following vacant period, i was hyper and excited.

"You still don't know, do you?", Brix said as he accompanied me to the gates. He had to stay behind to do some group projects but he has to wait til i am safely on my way home. I didn't answer him until we passed the gate.

"Know what?", i asked, innocently. I had steeled myself from opening my facebook acount.

"Your wedding!", Brix said, exasperated. I turned to him, annoyed.

"Brix, i am not getting married! I'm not even engaged or in a relationship! So what wedding do you think you're talking about?", i said.

He only smirked at me as my ride pulled up next to us. "You'll know. God, i can't believe the bride isn't even the least bit informed!", Brix whispered before leaving to get on with their group project.

I shook my head and went in the car, trying to disperse the thoughts. Brix has this way of getting under my skin by making fun of me and everything. I thought this was merely one of his tricks. But a bride? A wedding? Doesn't he realize he's going too far with his tricks?

I chuckled. I sound like Ronald Weasley when he first met Harry Potter, thinking it was one of Fred and George's tricks.

The moment i had gotten home, after changing into comfortable clothes, i opened the wifi at home, and laid on my bed.

I opened my phone and connected to the wifi. I checked Messenger first. I scrolled through the messages. Tons from Yesha, telling me that she couldn't wait for it to happen. My eyebrows furrowed. "It? What it, Yesha?", i murmured.

I carried on and i smiled as i read that name. "Jake.", i said as i opened his chats. I bit my lip as i messaged him.

"Hello!", i sent.

"Jean! I missed youuuuuuu! *picks you up and hugs you tight*", he replied. I laughed.

"*hugs back* I missed you too, Jake~", i replied back.

While we talked, i also explained to Yesha about my absence for 3 whole days. She understands. She always does. Then as i was replying to Jake, a new notification popped up indicating that Princess sent me a message.

"Jean!!", she said. I sent my reply to Jake and quickly sent a reply to her.

"Yes?", i said.

"You're getting married to Jake 11 days from now.", she sent back, along with a smiley face. My eyes widened. What in the actual fudge did she just say?! I'm getting married?! And to Jake, nonetheless?! My mind calculated the days. 31. January 31.

I felt utterly confused at the moment. "What?!", i replied to her. She sent the same message back. I sighed.

"I wasn't informed, Princess!!", i replied. Okaaay, i may be overreacting but it's not everyday someone tells you that you are getting married to your crush after being gone for 3 whole days!

"How was i gonna inform you when you weren't online?", she asked. I narrowed my eyes at the screen of my phone.

"Text, duh! Oh gods! You're gonna give me a heart attack!", i replied back.

"Anyways! So it's been settled, you're to get married in 11 days. Just say yes, Jean! Our wisblings will be there!", she said, completely ignoring my earlier message. I glared at my phone then sighed.

"Deym.", i said.

"Don't worry, sis. This is just to test your love story! Trust me, sis. Nothing wrong's gonna happen.", she promised me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2016 ⏰

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