Chapter ~1

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I dont own anything but Jacque!!

Chapter 1: kicked out of boarding school

( Jacque pov)

Here I am sitting in the principle's office being accused of something that I didn't start. I sighed and try to block what Mr.Smith was saying but it was hard cause he's yelling.

" Are you listening Jacque, this is serious it's the second time you fought!" he yelled behind his desk.

I stood up quickly and slammed my hands on his desk " I didn't start it she push me first it was self defense!" I yelled back at him.

He chuckled a little " that's hard to believe that when you don't have a scratch on you and Amber has a broken noise, 3 bruised ribs, and massive swelling to her face." he sat down and started to go through papers.

I sat back down it really wasn't my fault I didn't do anything but defend myself........ plus Amber deserve it............


I was at my locker talking to Jennifer my best friend since I got here. She's really popular but not those snob slutty kind, she the type of girl that everyone actually likes. But then there's Amber and her posse who would destroy anybody that she think is a threat.

" So do you want to go to Matts party I heard that it's going to be AWESOME!!!" Jen asked while closing her locker. I closed my locker " I don't know...maybe... I'm not in a party mood."

I started to walk away when I bumped into Amber " watch where your going loser! I still can't believe they let someone as poor as you into this school!

Everyone started to crowed together and laugh. " I don't know asked the principal what your mom had to do to get you here." (ME:OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ^o^)

I saw a hint of embarrassment on her face then she push me back into I locker hard, my body slammed against it with loud thud. The crowd started to chant "FIGHT,FIGHT!" I got up calmly I put my long brown hair into a pony tail and handed my books to Jen she look at me with worried eyes " I don't like this, you can get in big trouble for this!"

"Don't worry Jen I've been waiting for this I'm tired of her thinking she's queen bee!"

I walk back to Amber " lets do this I have to study for a test." she laughed then slap my in the face it hurt but then I smiled and punch her in the noise. she step back then I spun around and kick her in her chest causing her to fall against the lockers. I leaned in closer

" Look at your self your pathetic walking these halls like a Queen your nothing but a low life self center bitch let this be a warning if you ever touch me or my friends again I wont hold back got it!" she nodded "good" I punched her in the face again then walk away high fiving people as I go.

Then after that I got called to the principle's office.

----------------------------------------end flashback--------------------------------------

Mr.Smith sighed "I have no choice I have to expell you go pack your things your going home Jacque."

I stared at him with disbelief " I can believe this your going to send me home for something that I didn't start."

" Not another word missy go back your bags your flight leaves in a hour your dad been notified of everything." he said calmly sitting looking at me." Miss Rosene please take Jacque to her room and make sure she packs then take her to the airport." " yes sir."

Miss Rosene followed me to my dorm where Jen was waiting for me she was watching t.v. when she saw me.

" what happened... what did he say?" she asked smiling her eyes went from me to Rosene then back to me and her smile faded. " I got kick out I'm going home my flight leaves in an hour." I fought back tears but failed. Jen hugged me and started to cry too.

"ummm.... Jacque your flight." Miss Rosene said tapping her watch.

" I'm sorry" I said wiping tears of my cheeks. I headed to my room " I'll help you pack." Jen said with a smile, I smiled back "thanks I wish I could take you with me"


After packing my bags Miss Rosene drop me off at the planes gates. To be truthful I'm actually scared of going home I haven't seen my Dad and Jacob in two years. I don't know if everything changed or stayed the same. I boarded the plane then a couple of minutes later we were in the sky, I looked out my window all I saw were buildings and fluffy clouds. I reached for my Ipod to listen to music and then slowly drifted into a much needed sleep.

"miss....miss....miss" my eyes shot open to see a flight attendant looking at me " miss we arrived at Seattle."

I rubbed my eyes then stretched and got off the plane. It was crowed like I mean it hard to see anything crowed. How am I suppose to find Jacob? I stood on one of the benches but no luck, great not even in hour back home and I'm lost.

I pulled knees into my chest and watch people go by when I heard my name I looked around " Jacque!" I looked over my shoulder to see a tall, tanned, muscular guy with short black hair running towards me. when he reached me he pulled me into a big bear hug.

" Jacque you didn't grow at all!" Jacob said squeezing me hard but I dont think he notice.

" Jake...can't..breath...!" I said between breathes he set me down and just looked at me.

" God we miss you soo much back home you ready to go." he asked while taking my bags

"Yay can wait lets go." I said while put piece of my hair behind my ear.

The ride back home was fun Jake and I talked about stuff and what been happening but I feel that something is different with I don't know what it is, probably the new haircut it was long when I left and now its short and stuff. He's really change since I left. Jake stop the car and I jump out running to the door while leaving him with the bags.

" Dad I'm back!" I yelled but no answer I looked around but he wasn't here.

Jake walked in with my things he drop them in my old room. I pouted a lil I thought he would be here.

" hey get change I want you to meet some people." Jake said while turning on the t.v.

I gasped " Jake has friends this is amazing!" he gave me a look " ok I was playing jeez"

" better now go change or do you want to go like that?" he said pointing at me.

I looked at myself I was wearing a big shirt with sweats, I'm not going like this I ran to my room and grabs some clothes from my bags then ran to the shower. After I was done I but some makeup and curled my hair. If I say so myself I look way better than before I'm wearing black skinnys with a Hollywood Undead T-shirt with black and white converse.

" done." I said walking out of the bathroom only to find Jake sleeping on the couch, rolling my eyes I push him off he landed with a big thud on the floor. I brust out laughing

"Jacque that is not funny!" Jake screamed while chasing me to the car. He caught me and swung me over his shoulder.

" Jake put me down!!" I yelled punching his back but he didn't feel it.

" promise you will behave!"he said laughing

I gave up " promise!!! now let me go!!!" he put me down and I fixed my hair " thank you can we go now please?" " sure" Jake said unlocking the car. I hopped in then we drove off. It was a couple of minutes until we pulled up to a small house I got out and close the car door.

" Jake lets play tag your it!" I tagged him than ran inside Jake was right behind me when I saw him.

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