Chapter 9

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That's all that ran through my head.

" She is adopted"

Me adopted?

" She's not like the rest of us"

What did he mean by that?

All this questions swirled through my mind as I ran deeper and deeper into the forest and away from that house. I didn't know where I was headed and I didn't care I just need to run away from that place. So I kept running until I couldn't anymore. I sat at the base of an old trunk. My head hurts at this newly found information. Why didn't they tell me before? My dad isn't my dad, my brother is not my brother, and my mom... I sob came from my lips. Tears are free falling and I am a sobbing mess. Why is this happened to me? What am I suppose to do now? I can't go back. I don't want to see him or any of them. Jake lied to me! Dad lied to me! They're all liars! I tell myself but it doesn't help.

My heart feels heavy and it hurts. I lay down and curl up into a ball on the forest floor. I don't care if its dirty. I don't care if I freeze. Hell a bear can come and eat me and I still wouldn't care. I just want to sleep for eternity. With that last thought I dove into darkness that over came me.



Why am I so warm?

I stretched my limbs out feeling soft fabric beneath my finger tips. Odd I don't recall coming back to the house. I rub my eyes and yawn before actually opening them. What the heck? I look around to find posters of cars and maps, to my right was a mirror and more clutter. This is definitely not my room. Before I could even move a muscle the door flys open with a loud bang.

" What are you talking about Carrie? That's was the dumb decision Don could have ever done!" A woman who I definitely do not know comes in back toward me holding a basket full of what seems to be folded laundry. I'm too scared to even make a noise.

" No no you listen to me! Next episode is going to be the shi-" Her voice cuts off as soon as she turns and sees me motionless on the bed. Her mouth falls open " Carrie I'll call you back."

A few awkward seconds pass by before anyone speaks. " Oh sweet lord of mine I'm getting to old for this, SETH CLEARWATER WHY IN THE LORDS NAME IS THERE A GIRL IN YOUR ROOM!" She screamed into the hallway.

I'm in Seth's house?
This is Seth's mom?

Nononono no! This can't be happening right now. " I-I am" I was cut off by fast and heavy footsteps running up the stairs and a wild Seth appears looking frantic. " Mom what are you doing in my room?!" He questions as he inches in front of her to block me. Mrs. Clearwater's face scrunches up " What do you mean your room? This is my house! Why is there a female in your room!"

Seth looks back at me and for a split second I can see sadness but as quickly as I spot it it vanished. He let out at long sigh " Mom...this is Jacque, Jacob's sister." As if the devil himself possessed her she flung her son to the side and rushed at me with her hands out in front of her. Expecting the worst I shut my eyes waiting for the attack. Her hands cupped the sides of my face squeezing tightly together.

" OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS YOU'RE THEE JACQUE!!" She squeals " I'm so happy to meet you! My name is Susan Clearwater but just call me Sue everyone does!" Sue starts moving my face side to side as if examining every inch of head. " My My the way you described her Seth really didn't do much justice!"

" Mom!" Seth pleaded

" What?! She gorgeous!" Sue turns back to me " Are you hungry? You look a little pale, I know what to give ya that will fix it!" She beamed in excitement with a quick pat on the hands she was off but not before stopping at the doorframe " Oh and Seth sweetie" Her smile changed dramatically into one of pure seriousness " No funny business while I'm gone." And with that she was off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2015 ⏰

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