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ok here it is chapter 3 but first I wanna say im really srry it took a while I was busy with highschool ( Im a freshiee :) ) and homework my teachers suck!!!! >3< I really dont have that much freetime anymore but I'll try to write chapters more often

remember PLZ FAN..COMMENT..VOTE!!!!


Jacque's  POV

I opened my eyes slowly to the sounds of crashing waves and the sun beaming on my face I squinted my eyes. I stood up letting the sand get between my toes it felt nice since it was hot and the sand was cold.

"Jacque! " I heard my name being called in the distance I turned facing the ocean and to my surprise I see Seth waving his hand running from the water.

My heart accelerated as water dripped from his short spiked hair making its way down his tone tan body I stood there motion-less just staring at him make his way over to me.

" Hey Jacque" he pick me up and spun me around, I giggled " Hey Seth!" he put me down then cupped my face with warm hands making me look into his eyes. His brown orbs fulled with love poured into my hazel ones, Seth began to lean in our lips about to meet.

" WAKE UP JACQUE!!!" Jake came bursting through my bedroom door. I shot up breathing hard my heart racing. It was a dream nothing more but its was part of something I want to be real. Jake plopped himself next to me I glared at him if looks can kill he would be stabbed repeatedly until he bled on the floor.What? don't judge he knows im not a morning person

" What I do?" he said batting his eyelashes. I throw my pillow at him but he caught it mid air " ok I get it jeez someone PMSing" he murmured the last part walking out then back in like he forgot something " ooh by the way Seth\'s here saying you guys are going somewhere?" 

I quickly crawled to the other side of the bed and looked at the time 1:30 Crap I slept in, jumping out of the bed. I grabbed my hot pink zebra printed bikini and some clothes then got into the shower, when I was done I tied my hair into a sloppy bun and brushed my teeth. One last look in the mirror "perfect" then I casually walked out to the living room to find Seth and Jake watching a football game I cleared my throat " I'm ready" at the sound of my voice Seth shot up and stared at me with wide eyes

" Whoa you look...whoa" he said speechless

I blushed deeply " thanks you look good to" I eyed him up and down he was wearing a thin white T with cargo shorts simple but the way his muscles showed through the shirt would make any girl melt.

Jake cleared his throat " so where are you taking my baby sister?" he emphasis the last part earning a glare from me in the process.

Seth turn to him rubbing the back of his neck nervously " to first beach and maybe cliff diving"

" hmm....interesting" Jake folded his arms and stared him down like any moment his gonna pull out a shotgun and shoot the poor kid. I sighed grabbed Seth's arm and pulled him out the door without looking back I yelled to Jake " BYE JAKE!!!" 

I could heard Jake call me from inside the house but all I wanted to do was leave already. After getting a few feet from the house I looked back at Seth cause he was really quiet, he was blushing a little...whats he blushing about? and that when it hit me I looked down at my hand our fingers intertwined with each other I could feel my face heating up but I didnt let just felt right.

In the distance I could heard the ocean waves crashing I grinned dashing towards the sound " TRY AND CATCH ME SETH!!!" I playfully yelled looking back at him but he wasnt behind me.

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