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I sighed " he never told me but I had this really worr-"  I was interrupted by a someone knocking on the door.

" I'm coming!! "

Who ever it is kept on knocking I bet its Jake, he's always leaving his keys in the house that big retarded monkey I swear!!! I opened the door not even bothering to look through the peep hole.

" OH MY GOSH JAKE CHILL WITH THE KNOCKING!!" I yelled then I froze on the spot.


  ( Jacque POV)

" Jared what are you doing here!?!?" I said trying to hide my half naked body behind the door. He quickly turned around but I could tell his face was red.

"J..Ja..Jake told me to check up on you and to tell you that he'll be home soon." he said stuttering

" ummm ...ookay this is kinda awkward for me right now can you wait here for a sec please?"

He nodded then I dashed to my room grabbing a shirt and a sweater then some long jeans and sneakers putting them as quickly as I could. I walked to the front door wear Jared sat on the porch. I tapped him on the shoulder he slightly jumped then turned around.

" where are you going?" he asked brushing off some dirt on his pants.

" I want to go see Jake and I want you to take me to him." I said with a hint of authority in my voice.

He scoffed " sorry but I cant do that he just said to check up on you thats all shortie"

" what was that?"

"what was what?"

"what was that you called me?" crossing my arms and lifting my eyebrow challenging him to say it again. Usually when people call me SHORTIE I'd punch them where it really hurts but Ima let it slide.

He swallowed " Look I have to get going back now bye" with the wave of his hand he was gone running into the woods.

I stood there on the porch for about 5 minutes debating whether to go find Jake and see what he's hiding from me or stay by myself in this boring house. I chose the first option which is probably not the safest but I didnt give it a second thought.

I grabbed my keys then locked the door, I shivered as the night breeze blew signaling the coming end of summer and the hello of Fall. I could the rain in the air putting on my hoodie I began walking.

By the time I really thought about " my not so great plan" I was deep into the forest. Looking around all I could see are trees great!! (note the sarcasm) dont get me wrong I love the forest or what not it's just that the last time I was here me and Jake were little and playing hide and seek I would always get lost finding Jake but he always no matter how hard I tried he would find me like he had a tracking device on me.

I sat on the ground placing my head on my knees and quietly began sobbing, I'm so stupid why couldn't listen to Jared and stay home like he told me too?!?! Jake is gonna kill me when he finds me...well thats if he ever finds me.

Wait what am I saying he always finds me...he's always been able to...rite?

In the middle of my mental debate there was rustling in the bushes in front of me ,my heart stopped lifting my head towards the sound but I saw nothing. Something in me that its not safe to stay here so I stood up and began walking in the direction I the was home.

Thunder roar and lightening lit up the night sky as it started to rain softly first then total down pour. I was soaked within minutes THIS IS JUST MY DAY!!! the last thing it needed was for it to rain.

Couple of minutes passed suddenly I have this weird I was being followed. My heart started racing , its probably me being paranoid but I finally worked up some nerve to look over my shoulder.

And the there it was I couldnt see very well because of the rain but I could make out a man's figure walking at a slow pace almost as if stalking me. Quickly turned my head back I counted til 3 then broke into a sprint, I could hear him chasing after me leaves and twigs rustled and cracked underneath my feet.

My lungs are on fire but I wouldn't stop..I couldn't I know what happens to girls that get stalked in the woods they get raped then killed. But the chances of me getting out or this alive were getting slimmer and slimmer by the second.

Soon my legs gave way and I fell on my knees scrapping them in the process. My throat felt dry and I could barely breath. I looked up from the ground and saw hope just through the trees I could see a house in a clearing.

That was enough to get me back on my feet and run,the closer I got to the house the more it seem familiar then it hit me "Sam's house!!" I looked back to see if the man was still chasing me but he wasn't there.

I wasn't stupid that didnt stop me from running it actually scared me more not knowing where he was. Then with one big breath I screamed the loudest I can " SAM HELP ME PLEASE!!!!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Seths POV)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 We were all inside when we heard it. The scream for help it was the loudest thing I ever heard...I looked at Jake as if to ask if he heard it too, when Emily came running to the living room with a panicked look on her face " SAM!!! you have to get out there's a girl being attacked by someone!!"

Within a second we were bolting for the door but as soon as I stepped outside the scent hit me " bloodsucker" I ran then changed into a wolf my sense immediately improved. I could see the girl struggling trying to get away blood dripping for her nose and mouth where he repeatedly struck her.

He had her by the hair dragging her back into the woods, she was kicking and screaming anything she could. Then I smelled her scent the sweet smell of Lilac it made my blood run cold...No..NO!!! I screamed in my mind


I saw red, my paws pounded the ground and with one big leap I closed the distance between me and that bastard. The screeching sound of metal being ripped apart was what followed. I had ripped his head clean off his shoulder I watched as his body take two more steps then fall releasing its grip on Jacque hair. 

She crawled way from the body..her eyes slowly finding there way to mine all I saw was FEAR. I didnt want her to be afraid thats the last thing I wanted to happen.....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( Jacque POV)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I quickly crawled away from the decapitated body, tears running down my face like a waterfall I couldnt believe what just happened. Looking through the hair that covered my face I saw the wolf just staring at me...It had big brown eyes almost human like. I looked around I was completely surrounded by them, they watch me like an second I would start running.

" Jacque?!?!"

I heard my name being called out the wolfs circle breaks between a black one and a grey one letting a person in, Immediately I know who it was

" Jake?!?!" I said in a whisper

I forced my body to move I desperately wanted him to hug me and tell me that it was just a nightmare that I was still in my bed. Almost in his arms I turned away from him bended over threw up blood. Feeling my body go weak I took a wobble step back and fell but Jake caught me.

" JACQUE!!! JACQUE!!! its gonna be okay dont worry just stay with me!!!'

My eyelids felt heavy now I cant keep them up even if I try this is what its like to be at deaths door huh?...

Then I fall into this black world that surrounds me with open arms...



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