Chapter 6

509 11 4

It's not edited so there's probably alot of grammar mistakes Sorry!!! :/



I turned to Paul with a guilty grin " I don't have keys"

He stared at me in disbelief " Your kidding right?" I shook my head

" What do we do now?"

I thought for a moment running my fingers through my hair when I felt something, I pulled it out my hair to see it was, A bobby pin!!! a smile grew on my face as I bended it to a certain form. I stuck it in the lock and jiggle it around until I heard the all to familiar sound of the lock popping. I guess all those late nights jobs with Jennifer did pay off in the long run but that my friend is a different story.

" How did you know how to do that?" I heard Paul ask me

I turned to him " It's a long story but let me tell you this just because someone looks innocence doesn't mean they are"

He smiled " Me and You are gonna be good friends I can see that now"


The house was really dark  I felt against the wall for the light switch when I flicked it on and turned around there stood Jacob bat in hand before I could even get a word out he swung. I screamed and ducked down far enough that the bat just missed me by an inch.

  Paul came in grabbing the bat " JACOB!!! It's Jacque!!!!!" He screamed    

Jacob blinked a couple of times as if he was still sleeping " Paul?"    

" Yea it's me dude! What were you thinking??!" He said placing the bat on the floor.     

Jacob ignored his question and stated at me like I was a ghost or something     I stood up and brushed myself off then Jacob embraced me in a tight hug. 

  " I thought I lost you..I'm so sorry Jacque...I should have stayed home to look after you " he mumbled into my hair.    

I wrapped my arms around him " It's not your fault that I'm clumsy Jake I shouldn't have ran into the forest at night"     

He pulled back just enough so that he can see my face. His face was just mixed with so many emotions I couldn't tell whether he was Sad or Happy. I felt really bad now putting him threw all this stress and worry if I would have just listen and stayed home I could of avoided it. But being hard-headed and stubborn I couldn't stay put.  

Someone cleared their throat causing me to turn my head in their direction. Oh Paul is still here?? Oops I forgot. I let go of Jacob and gave Paul a quick hug " Thanks for bring me home" 

    " No problem kiddo" he said ruffling my hair   

  I slapped his hand away and pouted" Was that really necessary?!"   

  He laughed " You are just adorable when you get mad" 

    I blushed " Sh-Shut up"   

  I grabbed my bag and headed for my bedroom. I opened my door threw the bag somewhere and ran to my bed landing on it with an 'Umf' as I began rolling around in it.  

  " Bed!!!! HOW MUCH I MISSED YOU!!!!" I screamed into my pillow. It's SOO much better then the brick  the hospital calls a bed which is such a lie in my opinion. I was busy with my reunion with my bed I failed to see Jake leaning against the door frame.   

  " How long have you been standing there?" I questioned him  

  He chuckled " If you hadn't seen me you probably would have made out with your pillow"  

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