The ICONic Dream~Part 13 (:

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~Hannah's POV~

I realized I've cried a lot on this trip. Vinny's gone. Everybody hates me because Montana told them I was cheating on Vinny with Mikey. Lily and Shelby have heard all about it. They aren't even sharing a room with me anymore. I sniffled and grabbed my IPod and a hoodie from my duffell bag. I walked out of our hotel and breathed in the salty air. I decided I was taking a walk on the shore. I wondered if Vinny had heard the rumors yet or what the Boyz thought of the whole situation. It had started to rain. I sat on the edge of the now empty board walk. I heard footsteps behind me and didn't bother to look up.

"Now child, what are you doing out in the rain? And your crying? What happened?" An old woman said to me. I sniffled and looked up.

"its nothing." I said then looked back down at my feet. The woman had grey hair and blue eyes. She talked with a southern accent.

"Your out here alone and your crying. It ain't nothin'." She retorted.

"My boyfriend is gone for 3 weeks and his bestfriend kissed me and my bestfriend saw it and got the wrong idea. Now everyone thinks I'm cheating on the best thing that happened to me. I don't know what to do." I spilled.

"Sounds like you've got some explaining to do. Tell your boyfriend before he hears something different. Then try to convince your friends. They might not believe you but, if they don't then they weren't true friends anyways." She said then turned around and walked away. I sat on the edge of the boardwalk for another 30 minutes at least, thinking about what she had said. I allowed myself to cry a few more tears. Then I stood up and walked into my hotel room. I took a hot shower and called Vinny. We ended up face-to-face on Skype.

I know the parts are short and depressing! But just keep reading!

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