twenty nine

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Red and I ran upstairs to my room and I closed the door, locking it so Ruby (the spawn of Satan) wouldn't barge in or anything.

"Okay so what is it?" Red asks.

I breathe in, "So, you know Tweek?"

"Yeah, the blonde haired kid who drinks a lot of coffee," She says.

"Yeah," I say, "Well he told me that he got raped--"

"Woah, woah," Red holds up her hands, "He got raped?!"

"Well that's what I just said do you have hearing problems?!"

She rolls her eyes, "Continue."

"I'm the only one who was suppose to know and somehow Clyde overheard it, told Tweek that I told him, Tweek believes it -- God only knows why, and now he's pissed at me and he might move away," I say finally breathing after.

"So...what does this have to do with me again?"

"I need help to bust Clyde because I know he's making this all up to bring me down and you're really good at getting information, Red--"

"I'm retired," She says.

I raise my eyebrow, "You're 14 retired from what?"

"Well I realized how bad it is getting people's information so I don't wanna do it anymore," She says not even looking at me.


"Okay don't think about it like getting information...remember when we use to play 'spy' when we were younger? Think of it like that," I say trying to convince her.

She slowly turns to me, "We were four."

"But you would still beat me every single time!"

"I was always better," She says cockily and I roll my eyes, "Still not doing it."

I stop and think, "Wait you have to do it."

"What? No I don't! Stop telling me what to do--"

"No you owe me, remember? I hid you from those girls and you said that you would pay me back. Well, this is it!"

She stands up, "Okay that was different it was a tiny thing, getting 'information' is huge!"

"Please, Red! I don't want my friend to move away," I plead.

She hesitates, "Whatever."

"So you'll do it?!"

"I guess, but that's it after this I'm done," She says and I literally jump into her hugging her.

"Ugh Craig get off! You're like a billion pounds!" She pushes me off.

"All pure muscle," I smirk.

"Right," She rolls her eyes.


It was dinner time and around the table there was complete silence like normal.

I've been wanting to ask my parents to move for days now but I'm just too scared to.

I mean, my Dad loves it here and my Mom likes it too.

I finally take a deep breath and come out with it, "I-I wanna move..."

The forks drop and chime on the plates.

My parents turn to each other.

"I d-don't like it h-here," I mumble.

"Tweek, you said this last year and we chose to move to this town," My Dad says.

"Yeah I-I know but...I j-just don't wanna l-live here anymore!"

"I don't either," My Mom says...agreeing with me?

My Dad looks at my Mom, "You don't like it here either?"

"No, Richard," My Mom says.

He sighs, "We just can't keep moving places everytime we don't like something. Tweek this isn't because Mom told the Tucker's your secret is it?"

My heart drops, "N-NO!"

"Are you sure?"

"Y-Yes," I lie.

"How about we talk about this later?" My mom says looking directly at my Dad and he just nods.

I sink down in my chair.

All of this isn't just about the secret right?

I mean everyone in this town is rude and it's just weird.

And then once I move I could start over.

I'd probably have no friends and that way I don't get attached.

Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do.

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