Chapter 2- Ben

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"Why don't you show her around, Tommy?" Newt said. He had a weird tone in his voice and I couldn't quite decipher what it was.

"Okay." Thomas said, blushing and putting his hand on my shoulder, guiding me away, "C'mon."

"So, why are we all here?" I ask. I just had so many things on my mind, so many questions. I just had to get some answers.

"We actually don't know. We don't know who put us here and only the runners know what's in the maze-"

"Wait, maze?" I asked. Holy crap! They have a maze?

"Yeah. It's the only way out but no one has found any exits. You know, I just have this weird feeling that I'm like... I can't believe I'm actually saying this... like I'm destined to be a runner. I just feel like I can find the way out."

"I guess me too. I mean I don't really know what a runner is still... or what they're supposed to do... but I mean, I feel like I can do something." I say, trying to make a point. I don't just want to be helpless while I'm here.

"You can... screw it, will... do something." He replies, turning to me. We stare at each other for a while.

"Anyway, this is the Homestead and finally, the woods over there, that's the Deadhead's." He says, pointing to each of them. I nod my head in understanding.

"Well thanks for the tour." I say, putting my hand on his shoulder. He just stares at my hand for a couple moments, then I turn and walk away toward Alby. But I look back to find Thomas watching me as I walk further away from him.

"Hey Alby?" I ask, inching closer hesitantly, "Is there some kind of job I should do at the moment? I just want to work and get some things off my mind."

"Yeah. If you want to, you can be a track-hoe. They work in the gardens. If you don't like gardening, we can find something else for you to do." He replies, kindly and with a smile.

"No, gardening isn't a problem." I smile as I walk away to the gardens.

When I get there, I grab a bucket of water that has a little cup thing in it, and some seeds to plant. I walk over to an empty patch of dirt that needs some seeds planted in that area, struggling with the weight of the water filled bucket. I kneel down and began digging in the dirt with my hands, placing a seed in the hole afterwards. I then grab the little cup, fill it with water, and pour it over the covered up seed so it can grow.

I work for maybe fifteen minutes, when I hear a faint yell in the distance. I push it out of my head, thinking that it's just my mind playing tricks on me. But I stand up when I hear it again. It sounds like it's coming from the Deadhead's. So naturally, I run toward them. I notice that Thomas comes out out of the woods, Ben chasing him. At first I thought it was just a game of tag that they were playing, but as they got closer I saw the look on Thomas's face, I knew it couldn't be.

"Shit, this is for real." I mutter to myself. I run as fast as I can toward the wild chase, yelling as much as I can to get the other's attention. Along the way, I pick up a giant stick and continue toward the commotion. When I reach them, Ben has managed to get on top of Thomas. There is no other choice but to knock Ben off of Thomas with the giant stick, so I do so.

"Thank you-" He says, standing up but he gets cut off because I speak.

"(Y/N)" I say, with a smile and nod.

"You remembered your name. (Y/N), I like that." He smiles. Ben is groaning on the ground. Newt and Gally are inspecting him. They lift his shirt up to find a hole with these black lines that look almost like veins, that are spreading very fast.

"Take him to the Slammer. He has to be banished." Gally says, looking away from Ben but I couldn't help but notice his eyes linger on me.

"Wait, what do you mean banished?" I ask, placing my hands on my waist.

"Yeah, I want to know too!" Thomas says, crossing his arms. I look at him, confused. I thought he knew everything. But then again, I don't exactly know when he arrived.

"Basically, when a Glader commits a crime, they get banished to the maze. They aren't able to come back." Newt says, looking down to the ground.

"So it's basically murder?" I ask, raising my voice a little bit.

"There's no other choice." Alby says, trying his hardest to keep his cool. I storm off back toward the gardens to continue my work.

About an hour later, right before the doors to the maze were about to close, everyone met at the entrance. Ben was in ties and Newt, Alby, and a few others had these really weird looking broom things. Ben was pushed right in front of the doors and as they began closing, the people with the broom things were pushing Ben toward the maze. Ben was pleading for help and forgiveness and I just couldn't take it anymore.

I had noticed that chuck had already left. I looked back once to see Ben completely in the maze. Everyone walked away. The doors closed.

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