Chapter 3- The Maze

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    "Hey (Y/N), can I talk to you?" Minho asks as he approaches my little hammock, it's where I sleep.

    "Of course. What about?" I look up at him.

    "Well, I talked to Alby, and he thinks that I should make you a runner, for multiple reasons." He looks kind of nervous, "He says that you run pretty fast, considering you almost outrun Thomas when you arrived and the way you sprinted to that chase. So, would you like to be one?"

    "Yeah, I would love to." I smile, "When do I start?"

    "Tomorrow morning. We're going to retrace Ben's steps to see where the griever that stung him was and maybe why he is out in the daylight. Alby's gonna go with us."

    "Alright, see you in the morning." I smile and he walks away.

    "(Y/N), you have to wake up." I slowly open my eyes to see Thomas knelt down beside my hammock. It was then I remembered that I was gonna be running today.

    "Alright." I say, getting out of my hammock.

    "Alby told me that you had to meet him at the Homestead. Can I ask, why are you meeting him?"

    "I was made a runner yesterday, so I'm going out in the maze today with Alby and Minho. We're gonna retrace Ben's steps and try to find that griever." He stopped and turned to me.

    "Well, be careful."

    "I will. I promise." I smile and give him a hug that I hope was reassuring. We break apart and I begin running toward the Homestead. I take a look back to find Thomas standing where I left him and watching me run away. A small smile spread across my face as I entered the Homestead.

    "Minho? Alby? Where are you?"

    "Over here." Minho called back and I walked over to them, "Here is your backpack. Runners always have to have a backpack so we can put food and water in there for our run and if we find anything along the way we can put it in there also." I nod in understanding.

    "Alright, are we leaving now?" Alby asks.

    "Yeah." Minho replies. We walk out of the Homestead and toward the maze.

   "Let's do this, Minho! I'm going to get everyone out of this damn maze!" I said with confidence while putting my fist in the air. He just laughs and I chuckled along with him.

       We walked into the maze together. Once we got past the doors, we started jogging. We jogged around corners and other walls. Alby was in the front of the group, Minho was in the middle, navigating with a small notebook that I saw had a couple of maps drawn in it. I brought up the rear, probably because I had no clue what I was doing or where I was supposed to be going.    

    As I was running, I was actually looking at the ground so I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Which is probably bad because I'm gonna have to know where I'm going and how I'm getting there if I want to survive this job. I ran right into Minho, which caused him to knock into Alby.

    "There's a dead griever." Alby whispered. He began walking slowly toward the griever that was lying on the ground.

    "Alby NO!" I whisper yelled. I began walking after him but Minho stopped me.

    "(Y/N), careful. We can't have you getting killed. Hell, hurt even."

    "Good that." I replied with an eye roll. Just then, the griever jerked forward and stung Alby. They both fell immediately to the ground afterwards.

    "ALBY!" Minho and I screamed in sync.

    "Stay here." Minho said, rushing forward. He ran over to Alby's unconscious body, put one of his arms over his shoulder and started dragging him back toward me.

    "Grab his other arm!" Minho yelled and I did as told. We ran as hard as we could, dragging Alby along with us.

    "It's almost dark!" I yelled. I could feel the sweat gather on my forehead and neck.

    As we approached the doors, I could see every single one of the boys waiting for us, Thomas and Newt at the front of them. Everyone was encouraging us to run faster. I heard a plethora of "You can do it!'s" We weren't gonna make it. I tried to stay strong but I was just so tired.

    After everyone telling me not to go in the maze right before the doors closed and that if you spent the night in the maze you would die, and now... I'm going to die. I couldn't help but let a tear roll down my face. I would never get the chance to escape this awful place. Then, right as the doors closed, Thomas ran into me.
A/N: I just wanted to say that the line "Let's do this, Minho! I'm going to get everyone out of this damn maze!" I said with confidence while putting my fist in the air." Is an idea from @CarolRainbow
So I give complete credit to her.

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