Chapter 6- Thomas's Punishment

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"Hey Thomas!" Someone yells at Thomas who's sitting next to me, Gally. Thomas stands up.

"What do you want Gally?" Thomas asks, beginning to get frustrated. I can always tell what Thomas is feeling. I stand up as well.

"You destroyed the peace between something that we have co-existed with for 3 years. You killed that griever and now everything is gonna go to shit. Not a day after you arrived the whole balance was thrown off-" He got cut off by my own yelling.

"What the hell do you mean?! How could Thomas have done anything. Like you said, everything started going wrong after he showed up but he wouldn't have remembered anything. He was just learning the rules of this place, where everything was-"

"Yeah, but he could've still done something. You don't have to know rules to do something bad."

"Who knows, maybe it was someone's plan the entire time, when the next crate came, which happened to be Thomas's crate, it could've been you. Why are you blaming Thomas?!" I couldn't help but notice that every time Gally or I yelled, Thomas moved closer to me. I feel like he wanted to jump into the argument but didn't know when or how to.

"But it still doesn't change the fact that he killed a griever."

"Yeah. But I killed it too. So why blame just him?" I was starting to calm down now. I grabbed Thomas's hand, still watching Gally. I saw a sort of longing in his eyes, but I didn't know why. In times like these, obvious things just blank from my mind. I led Thomas toward the meeting room where Newt, Minho, Chuck and pretty much everyone else was waiting. When we were like ten feet away from the building, Thomas stopped me.

"(Y/N), thank you for sticking up for me. But you know I could've handled myself."

"I know. I would never underestimate you. I just wanted to help I guess."

"I know and thank you for that." He gave me a hug and I hugged back. I really enjoyed his hugs. They made me smile every time. We pulled apart and walked the rest of the way to the meeting room. I glanced back to see Gally following us at a distance. We walked into the building and I went to stand by Newt and Thomas followed me. Minho walked over to us as well.

"What's Thomas's punishment going to be?" Gally said as soon as he walked into the building.

"Gally, we can't just jump in like that. We need evidence that Thomas actually deserves a punishment." Newt said, "So, lets start with Minho."

"Okay so, I don't think Thomas shouldn't get a punishment. I was out in the maze with him. If it weren't for him and (Y/N), I wouldn't be alive and neither would Alby. I ran off like a scared piece of klunk, but they had hope and they stayed with Alby and kept him alive, even when I lost hope and left him for dead. To be honest, I would love to have that kind of hope in the maze everyday. I say we make him a runner." There was a chorus of cheers and chants.

"But he broke the rules. He has to be punished for that." Jeez. Gally really wanted Thomas punished.

"Okay well, Thomas did break a rule so he does have to be punished for that, but, I mean, he did save Alby and he kept (Y/N) alive and in the middle of the night too. So, I say he spends one night in the slammer and then starting the next morning, he's a runner." Newt declares. Which is the final answer because he's pretty much second in command and since Alby's not here to make the decision, he does. I hug Thomas. I'm so happy that my best friend is going to be a runner with Minho and I. But I guess part of the hug was an apology, because he has to spend a night in the slammer. Poor Thomas.

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