Chapter 12- Finally Escaping

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I hear a gasp and my head pops up so fast that it probably looked like I was sleeping and my life was in danger.

"Thomas! You're awake." I said, grabbing his hand, "Did your stupid plan work? What did you remember?"

"We did this." Is all he said.

"What do you mean 'we did this'?" I was so confused and I'm sure everyone else was too. How could all this be our fault?

"You, me, and Teresa. We worked for the people that put us here. We did this to them." I couldn't help but marvel at his words. I looked behind me and Teresa met my gaze, the same confusion that was on my face, spread across hers as well.

"But we're here. Our lives were put in the same amount of danger as everyone else's. We wouldn't do that to ourselves." Teresa said. I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, but it was all part of the experiment." Thomas just continues to stare at me like he committed a crime and was begging me not to punish him for it.

"Experiment?" Teresa asks, pulling her chair up to sit beside me. Thomas just nods, now looking from me to her and back again.

"Wait, if it was the three of us working for WCKD, or whatever the hell they call themselves, do we know each other? Why did Teresa say our names when she came up in the box?"

"Well, you and I didn't really know each other but we still saw each other every day. You and Teresa were best friends." I was so deep in thought that I completely forgot that everyone else was in the room, witnessing this conversation. Silence filled the room until a deep voice broke it.

"I think Thomas and Teresa should be banished." Gally said, stepping forward, There was a small chorus of 'yeah!'s' but the majority of the people crowding around the cot that Thomas was currently sitting on, booed or gave some sort of sign showing that they did not agree.

Before anyone could stop them, a group of boys surged forward and grabbed Thomas and Teresa, clamping their hands behind their backs, and was forced out of the small hut. I gave a small screech as they took Thomas from me once again and I could see the pain on Thomas's face. I mean he just woke up from stabbing himself with a Griever arm. Some more boys that weren't able to fit inside the hut, were waiting outside with weapons, ready for any threat that could come. They walked Thomas and Teresa toward the entrance to the maze. I ran after them, trying with all my might to keep them safe. To make sure that Gally didn't do anything to hurt them. Just then Gally began to speak.

"I think we should banish these two because they both broke rules. They also are the ones that put us here, put us all in danger." Whispers broke out across the crowd as Gally continued speaking. But I cut him off before he could say much more.

"What about me? I worked for WCKD too. Are you just going to ignore the fact that I'm not held captive right now but my boyfriend and friend are?" More whispers.

"Well, maybe with Thomas gone, I can finally get a chance with you." I wanted to slap that smirk right off of Gally's face. Thomas just looked at the ground.

"Never." I whispered so only he could here, "NOW!" Newt, Minho, Winston, Frypan, and Chuck surged forward with weapons. Teresa getting her captor away and Chuck cut her hands free. I looked at Thomas who was already on his feet, spear in hand. He met my gaze and he whipped his head back, gesturing for me to come safely behind him. I did as told and as I passed him, he handed me a knife, which I gladly took.

"Look, you don't have to come with us, but we are leaving. Anyone else who wants to come, now is your last chance!" Thomas says, earning a glare from Gally.

"Don't listen to him, he's just trying to scare you. All right?" I shake my head slightly. Is Gally really doing this right now?

"No, I'm not trying to scare you. You're already scared. All right? I'm scared. But I'd rather risk my life out there than spend the rest of it in here. We don't belong here. This place isn't our home. We were put here. We were trapped here. At least out there, we have a choice. We can make it out of here. I know that." My smile spreads rapidly across my face at Thomas's words. We wait in silence for a few moments, then when we're sure no one else is coming, we turn to leave.

"Have fun defeating the Grievers." Gally says, staring at me the whole time. I only give him a small glare. Our group walks out into the maze, following Thomas, Minho, and I. I grab Thomas's hand and he entwines our fingers, leading the group in a jog toward the Griever hole that we had found not too long ago.

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